We are happy to announce a new QOTO service, our brand new matrix server!
Registration is open to everyone.
To either login or register a new account use any compatible Matrix/Riot client (like https://app.element.io/ ). When doing so you will have to set the home server to "matrix.qoto.org" (it is usually set to matrix.org). However keep in mind once logged in your username will be @user:qoto.org, as the matrix.* prefix is dropped. Similarly any rooms you create will be #room:qoto.org.
The best part is this service is decentralized and federated so you can join any matrix room on any other server. Even cooler you can join rooms on servers that arent federated at all like IRC or gitter.im. So you really can connect to almost any chat server out there all from one identity and server.
**NOTE**: We will also be bringing up a client, likely the same client run at app.element.io, for the added security. It wont change anything and you can switch clients once we have that up if you want. You can also download the client and use it as a desktop app.
#matrix #QOTO @QOTO@groups.qoto.org #Chat #ChatRooms #Mastoadmin
@urotsuki 也不太像是这个原因,很多好莱坞大片里的女角色照样被刻画成这样,甚至更加用力过猛(而且我说的这种作品绝大多数都是国外的流水线大片,剧本真的相当没有诚意)
#nobot #noindex #noarchive