My Philosophy. CWed and split for Length and ease of reading. Part 1. 

Hi ! I think we've gotten to know each other well enough that I'd like to share a bit about and how, specifically, it fits into my mushy, mushy brain. I do enjoy sharing this part of myself, so, I'll be honest here- I'm sharing because I want to and I will enjoy doing so.

My personal philosophy is a constructed mess based on my personal experiences, as one would expect. My life, the events there in, my upbringing. Nominally, I'm an Absurdist.

I was brought up fairly religious. Judaism is a very important force among the maternal side of my family. My Mother is very religious, albeit her own flavor of relatively orthodox Judaism. A lot of feminism, and free thought involved in my mother's teachings there.

We said prayers every night. We went to synagogue often. Judaism will always be a core component of my identity, even if I am no longer religious. I identify with my people and their struggles. I identify with their philosophies and thinking- even though I don't believe in any sort of god/God as described by most Abrahamic faiths.

My Philosophy. CWed and split for Length and ease of reading. Part 2. 

What, exactly, is my 'brand' of Absurdism?

First, I'll need to define standard Absurdism. I'm going to pull directly from Wikipedia here- it's about as good a definition as I can find, and probably better than what I'd come up with myself:

"In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible", but rather "humanly impossible". The universe and the human mind do not each separately cause the Absurd, but rather, the Absurd arises by the contradictory nature of the two existing simultaneously. " - Quoted directly from Wikipedia:

That, I feel, sums it up fairly well.

With that in mind, I'll come to how I deal with 'the Absurd'.

Life has no meaning. None of us are supposed to be here. We are, honestly, just lucky to have survived as long as we have. There was no guiding hand, or special consideration in our evolution and in the nature of our existences.

Some people would say that's a fairly dark and depressing viewpoint. I respectfully disagree.

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My Philosophy. CWed and split for Length and ease of reading. Part 2. 

@Surasanji Futhermore, what obligation do you have to believe in something that isn't dark and depressing?

My Philosophy. CWed and split for Length and ease of reading. Part 2. 

@ster You are under no obligation to believe anything at all. You are fully welcome to decide for yourself that the world is dark and depressing and everything is shit and you wouldn't be wrong whatsoever. The human world is, objectively, broken to some degree.

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