@TheOldGuy The legislatures and governors do not always reflect what people want in Red states. Gerrymandering and disenfranchisement ensure that RW crazies maintain political power, viz TX or FL. Hair Furor's ACA position probably won't affect the electoral college one whit. The White Xian crazies are winning the propaganda war, because they can just make shit up and have people believe it. Too bad we can't choose our legislators by lot and eliminate campaigning entirely and voting entirely.
The legislatures and governors do not always reflect what people want in Red states. Gerrymandering and disenfranchisement ensure that RW crazies maintain political power, viz TX or FL. Hair Furor's ACA position probably won't affect the electoral college one whit. The White Xian crazies are winning the propaganda war, because they can just make shit up and have people believe it.
Too bad we can't choose our legislators by lot and eliminate campaigning entirely and voting entirely.