As a professional in #computerscience and #infosec, I'm used to feel almost physical pain whenever security-related topics or "hacking" is depicted in movies or TV series. Presentation usually ranges from half-correct terminology without relation to the current situation to outright ridiculous chaining of technical terms without ever trying to make any sense.
I've always wondered if this is similar in other areas. Professionals of other field, how do you see your profession being represented in entertainment media?
the New Fediverse Admin Starter Pack needs to include a copy of the Paradox of Tolerance.
If you tolerate intolerance, your space becomes intolerant.
The only way to ensure a tolerance space is to be extremely intolerant of intolerance.
This holiday season, break the ice by telling your family and friends how baby octopuses sometimes ride on jellyfish like little hats. by Songda Cai
@krassina I'm advocating for #ScienceSunday! It was hugely popular on the now defunct #GooglePlus site and I would love to see it come back here.
What’s the story behind the stats?
young women limit where they go or who they meet to protect themselves.
End #ViolenceAgainstWomen. #OrangeTheWorld
Check out the #EURightsAgency's youth data:
#OurDataYourAlly #EuropeanYearOfYouth #16Days
this is new to me:
Objects move in spacetime at the speed of light. A stationary object isn’t moving through space at all, moving through time at the speed of light.
an object moving through space at the speed of light has no speed to move through time
#movies for the unusual taste:
Robur, Master of the World (1961)
Vincent Price, Marlon Brando and a zeppelin - enough said!
The plot, losely basing on two novels by Jules Verne, revolves around a fanatic pacifist (#VincentPrice), who tries to bring peace to the world by attacking military targets with his heavily armed zeppelin.
The premise of the movie is still relevant, as the notion of a self-declared savior of the world with questionable methods seems to mirror so many occurrences in this world on so many levels. Apart from that, this movie is wildly entertaining
We created the account at Mastodon only a week ago and this community here grown to over 32,000.
Thank you for welcoming us here, thank you for all boosts, comments, advice, support and your engagement.
We are still learning and try to find our specific language on this platform. Your feedback is much appreciated.
Remember with us and amplify our voice.
#mastodon #Memorial #NeverForget #history #education #memory #Remember #followerpower #follow #Holocaust #Shoah #community #fediverse
Sign the open letter about the universal right to install any software on any device in the EU:
#book recommendation:
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life, by Peter Godfrey-Smith (sorry for the Amazon-link, was the best I could come up with)
This is a book about #octopuses, however it's written by professor of history and philosophy of science. Peter Godfrey-Smith sees the #octopus as a unique kind of #intelligence, that has developed independly from other forms of intelligence. In doing so, depicts the octopus convincingly as one of the most remarkable creatures on earth.
Did you know that an octopus
- can squeeze its body through holes only insignificantly smaller than its eyeball?
- has "thinking arms", which can act partly autonomous?
- can chameleon-like adapt its skin colors to the background for hiding, even though not being able to actually see colors?
After reading this book, you realize the octopus might very well be a genuine alien being dropped into our oceans. I can't help myself but finding these guys fascinating! This book opens up a perspective to how weird and wonderful nature can be and what unknown worlds still await us.
About the author:
Gun Violence Archive is tracking gun violence in America, and it's not pretty.
For 2021:
- US Auto deaths: 42,915
- US Gun Violence Deaths: 45,078
#GunViolence #MassShooting
The wild beauty of #math:
The current #TwitterMigration might very well mark a historic turn for the prosperity of #democracy.
The #freedom to freely choose an instance and the possibility to easily migrate between instances puts control back into the hands of users.
Democracy and #progress require the the access to unbiased information freely to everyone.
The #fediverse is a most effective tool to battle #misinformation, #deception and #manipulation by corporate interest. It's on us to make this a lasting success.
In #Dresden Sporbitz wird eine Unterkunft für etwa 50 geflüchtete Menschen in mobilen Raumeinheiten geplant, die voraussichtlich im Januar belegt werden soll.
Die aus Krieg und Verfolgung geflohenen, nach einer gefährlichen, langwierigen Flucht hier angekommenen Menschen, brauchen Sicherheit und Solidarität.
Widerstand dagegen, der von der etrem rechten Kleinstpartei Freie Sachsen angeführt wird und erschreckend an Heidenau 2015 erinnert, formiert sich und will sich bereits heute dort versammeln und rassistische Hetze verbreiten. Die rechte Vernetzung ist beunruhigend effektiv.
Deswegen: wenn hier Menschen aus dem Dresdner Osten sind, die sich dem entgegenstellen und/oder konkrete Hilfe organisieren können - kontaktiert mich gern hier oder unter
#science #infosec #network #cryptography #linux #opensource #movies #whisky