Almost swept on the gacha this time around.
Guess I ought to read Kingdom to see what these characters I got are all about.
Audience Cheers As Apple Unveils First Carbon-Neutral Uyghur Slave Camp
Has anyone designed a "Gerrymander It!" board game or mobile game?
Although more people now recognize what a powerful force districting can be in politics, to really get viscerally angry about it helps if you've tried doing it.
It might work best as a mobile game where you'd draw the map with a time limit then an election would run (with some random variation) and you'd see if you won.
Its been a little over a month of piano lessons now. Things are progressing nicely, but probs because I have a bit of musical background already. Hopefully I can get to chords soon and start playing songs I know.
I will probably start Japanese lessons too…5 minutes of duolingo a day and reading names on monster strike isn’t cutting it, especially with my trip to Japan coming up in April. Hopefully I can practice with my brother since he knows it conversationally.
Nasa reveals instrument that can trace air pollutants in North America to exact neighbourhoods
The UK government are planning to follow China and require security vulnerabilities be reported centrally and then remain unpatched to allow Five Eyes access.
Always eager to have my mind changed. Hoping to hear profound ideas and share them as well. Please challenge my thoughts.