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Ben Taylor boosted

@garius One for the Paradox fan.

Paradox Interactive kills nearly half of its games before launch, resulting in hit rate of 71% over past 10 years Game World Observer

@jered You're giving them too much credit. Everyone and his dog is now writing an LLM, but if there is tight regulation then the barriers to entry will strangle most of them at birth.

A company that, say, got in first, had Microsoft's resources behind it and was in a position to be taken seriously by the people making the regulations, would be likely to be able to cope with new regulations just fine. The competition, not so much.

Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted


*Watches Conservative Party Chairman flip the sign in CCHQ back to "[0] days without an implosion*

@trinsec Yes, agreed. The problem is where even if they've done that, the CI has allowed them to join in with "normal" activities (eg. school) that are not accessible to them without being able to hear, then suddenly they lose access.

In most developed countries I imagine you barely notice - the healthcare system pays for the upgrade, a bit more money leeched from the government or the insurer, nobody notices or cares. But even there it's still a cost flowing to the device manufacturer for doing nothing. Pure capitalism.

I did not know this was a thing. Corporations effectively disabling your phone or your washing machine to force you to buy a new one is bad enough. Doing the same with your ears is disgusting. Especially if you didn't advise that this would happen before installation, and marketed it as "forever". Yet another "How do these people sleep at night?" moment.

Ben Taylor boosted

Every single fucking company rolling out some fake-assed "AI" system today has paragraph after paragraph of arcane IP-restricted lawyer-language agreements with every single person who works for them,

But they're happy to deploy LLM's whose entire dataset is based on taking content from people who did not consent to their own IP being used in this manner.

*Every* *single* *fucking* *one*.

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@dungeons @astrelion Any chance of a leaderboard on your website? History of who we've had and how far they got? I can remember Mamuuuth and Nicolas but I don't know exactly where they got to (I think Mamuuuth was a level 6?) and I'm going to start losing track. 😂

@lowqualityfacts You used the word Conservative (capital-C), which made me think you meant the UK (to which all of those same things also apply). I was very confused about why our lot wanted to know about American genitals for a few moments there.

@cstross This feels like a schrodinger's term. Did it exist before you Googled it (cannot be known), or did it pop into existence at the moment you Googled it and collapsed the waveform because of Rule 34?

Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted

Here’s how I used AI to clone a 60 Minutes correspondent’s voice to trick a colleague into handing over Sharyn's passport number. I cloned Sharyn’s voice then manipulated the caller ID to show Sharyn’s name on the caller ID with a spoofing tool.
The hack took 5 minutes total for me to steal the sensitive information.

So, how do we protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our organizations?
1. Make sure the people around you know that caller ID is easily faked (spoofed) and that voices can also be easily impersonated.
2. If they receive a dire call from “you”, verify it’s really you with another method of communication (text, DM, FT, call, etc) before taking an action (like sending money). Kind of like human MFA.

Some suggest setting up a secret “verification word” with their folks ones so that if someone impersonates & demands money/access etc you can ask for the verification word to see if it’s a real crisis. This won’t work for all people but could work for some. If it’s a match, use it.

In general, I recommend keeping advice simple: if premise of call is dire use a 2nd method of communication to confirm a person is in trouble before taking action (like wiring money or sensitive data). Rapid text, email, DM, have others message repeatedly — before wiring money.

Bottom line is:
Scammers use urgency & fear to convince victims to take actions (like sending money, data, etc).
If premise of a call, text, email, or DM is too dire (or too good to be true), that’s a likely scam.
Use a 2nd method of communication to check it’s real before taking action!

@13sarahmurphy This is the thing though. This is the legacy of Boris' packing of the cabinet with people whose virtue was personal loyalty to him. Competence was a bad thing, because competent people might outshine Boris and might become rivals.

So that leaves us with a Tory party whose top tier has been promoted far beyond their abilities, but they don't know that. Braverman, Raab, Dowden, Barclay, Badenoch, Coffey, probably a bunch more but I've never even heard of most of them. Not even counting the ones we already lost - Truss, Williamson, Zahawi, Kwarteng - some of them more than once!

We've got a Dunning-Kruger-ocracy.

Ben Taylor boosted

Why are so many climate scientists so scared and so angry?

Maybe it's because they know better than most of us how bad our situation today truly is, and how horribly we've been betrayed by our so-called leaders.

Here's an excerpt from an excellent piece on this subject by Alan Urban...

Even if the planet stopped getting warmer right now, we would still be in big trouble. The ice caps would keep melting and sea levels would keep rising.

Look at what’s happening at a mere 1.2°C of warming. We’re already seeing some of the worst heat waves in human history, not to mention record-breaking floods, droughts, wildfires, and water shortages.

But of course, warming isn’t going to stop at 1.2°C. Because of the heat we’ve already trapped in the atmosphere, and because we continue to emit huge amounts of greenhouse gases every year, the climate is warming exponentially.

All of these climate-related crises are stretching farms to the limit, yet this is just the beginning. As crop yields decline and the population grows, we will see food insecurity get worse and worse until we’re in a global famine.

And that right there is why climate scientists are scared. They understand that human civilization was born during the Holocene, when global temperatures were very stable and stayed within a range of about 1°C.

As we push the planet out of that range and raise the temperature about 50 times faster than would occur naturally, it will become harder and harder to produce enough food to feed everyone, and this will lead to social instability, political upheaval, the worst migration crisis ever, and wars over resources.

Disasters that weren’t supposed to happen until we reached 1.5°C are happening now, so we can only imagine what will happen when we hit 2° or 3°C.

This is why top scientists from around the world are warning us that we face a ghastly future filled with untold suffering. They’ve been telling us over and over, year after year, summit after summit, that we have to stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible. But as you can see [below], the world keeps ignoring them.


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #Capitalism

Ben Taylor boosted

AI generated art depicting history and archaeology is actively spreading ignorance

Follow real archaeologists and historians and creators sharing real stuff, not this fake crap that looks nice and pretends to be authentic but gets everything wrong

@antlerboy My favourite at the moment is the way NordVPN keeps spamming me with offers on a way to "Get rid of unwanted robocalls". Some sort of thing that purports to take my data off commercial databases. I have significant doubts about whether such a thing is either possible in any meaningful way or would reduce robocalls if achieved.

The thing is, I don't get very many robocalls. Almost none, in fact. What I do get a lot of is spam. Which they're adding to. They're very persistent about it. The irony appears to be lost on them, even after I pointed it out last time they had a drive for this.

Ben Taylor boosted

I wanted to see if ChatGPT could put me out of the job, so I asked it to write a funny fake fact. To my surprise, it literally just plagiarized one of my own facts. Nearly word for word. I'd say my position remains safe for now.

Ben Taylor boosted

Cynics would argue there's no such thing as a glorious failure, and this account invites cynics to go away and boil their heads - JUST LOOK AT THIS THING!

Basically a caged ekranoplan, the Aerotrain was the future of the railways. As long as you remember that the future of the railways in the late 1960s was usually a great big government axe.

Still, a two-seater Pratt & Whitney jet-powered aircushioned hot rod locomotive, eh? Stick that in your Whyte notation and smoke it.


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