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@cstross I saw this. I figured it might well have a beacon, but water blocks EM radiation very effectively, so if it's in a lake...

@freemo @sdgathman You two as gun lovers think open carry is reassuring. I as a person who doesn't interact with them much find someone carrying a gun intimidating. If I ask you why you are carrying one, you will say "For protection", or similar, but that reassurance from someone I don't know means nothing. Are you drunk? Are you a drug dealer? Are you psychotic? If I disagree with you? If I cut you off in the car? If I spill your beer or trip over your foot or turn out to think Trump is the antichrist? Safer simply not to interact with you, so I won't unless I have to.

@freemo A license requiring you know what you're doing and know how to be responsible in no way infringes on the right to bear arms.

Ben Taylor boosted

Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain.

In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. There's no end in sight. This is especially true for basic needs like energy and food.

Our government stated in May that they'd build a food price database together with the big grocery chains. But..

@HighlandLawyer @cstross @Menhit @feorag

Yeah. I knew that, sorry, the ambiguousness of the English language was just briefly funny to me.

@cstross @Menhit @feorag My pedantic brain's inevitable first response to this was "They have vegan cats?".

Sorry. Though I'd like to see what a vegan cat looks like. 😹

@garius Thief was awesome. Never played anything else like it.

@freemo Firstly, this is from last year, it's not new. Secondly, it's based on some bizarre legal theory, creating a legal principle that did not previously exist and does not make sense: specifically, that the state can pass gun control laws only if there is are "historical roots" for the law in question. So it's (again) the court making up the law it wants, rather than the law it's got.

Thirdly though, and most importantly, why is this a good thing? You're a gun nut, I get it, and that's fine - you're a responsible gun owner and all that.* But why does the fact that responsible owners are responsible mean that it's a good thing for everyone to be given a gun for the asking, even if there is no reason to believe they know what they're doing or will be responsible? We don't give cars to people who haven't demonstrated they can drive safely, for the good and sufficient reason that in incompetent hands they're lethal, and cars aren't even designed to be lethal weapons.

*Personally, I don't get why you would have a need to carry a gun in public, and open carry in particular is physically intimidating to others in the same way that walking around with a large and aggressive dog is. So I must say I think it's particularly anti-social. But that's not a safety issue, merely a courtesy one.

Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted

What's the best* online community—I include things like work Slacks, project-specific communities, and communities formed on platforms or in the cracks between platforms—that you've ever been a part of? Don't overthink it, what's the thing that comes instantly to mind?

* Most fun, least terrible, most generative, whatever.

Disclosure: I'll never quote you without asking, but I *am* in research mode for a thing that will be public someday.

@kissane TVS ( It's a website for a browser-based game that runs for a couple of months at irregular intervals. Small community and devolves into argument and personal insults towards the end of every game (nature of the game always seems to result in sour grapes), but despite that the game and the community have been running for over twenty years while otherwise all remaining friends.

Ben Taylor boosted

On this fateful date in 2001, I woke up in a 22-story Marriott hotel right between the twin towers in NY. I had planned to linger till around 10 a.m. But a last-minute meeting made me leave at 8:15, just 30 minutes before the first plane struck. The hotel was destroyed. I was saved. But we can never forget those who perished and the heroic first responders who saved other lives.

Ben Taylor boosted

It’s not just about selling you ads.

Ex: you’re a teenager living in a highly conservative state. You’re visiting sites your ultra religious family don’t want you to. Google tracks you NATIVELY IN THE BROWSER and informs 3rd parties of your interest in LGBTQ sites.

You’re NOT SAFE using Chrome.

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Ben Taylor boosted

Finally got around to writing about briefly successful Italian salvage vessel Artiglio

Ben Taylor boosted

Streaming Services: Strike as long as you want. We can easily replace you with AI.

AI: Things kept getting stranger for the kids. Bald Eleven focused her bald powers until she upgraded to Twelve. The children exclaimed in an 80s fashion. Cop dad rubs his donut belly. He proudly waves the American and Russian flags to show proud character development.

Ben Taylor boosted

Evolution doesn’t look how it’s depicted in pop culture. We often picture the famous “March of Progress” illustration where a series of apes stand in line leading to a modern human.

But evolution is not linear. It branches & divides without an intended direction or endpoint through natural selection.

Illustration by @keesey #science #history

Ben Taylor boosted

Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at

@garius I have no historian spidey senses, but that's quite a record. I'll bite, who was it?

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