Telling his mum was much more complicated though.

He didn't plan it, but one day she found him crying. She asked him what was wrong but he told her he couldn't talk about it.

She thought that maybe he was gay, and asked if it was because he liked men. He said no, so she guessed again.

Did he like women?


And eventually, she asked her son if he liked children?


Paraphilias and the ICD-11: Progress but Still Logically Inconsistent

What distinguishes consensual sadomasochism, no longer
a disorder under the current proposal, from Disorder Involving Solitary Behaviour or Consenting Individuals?

What is the rationale for treating differently from
other crimes? There is no embezzlement disorder, identity
theft disorder, or auto theft disorder.

The hears about in the consulting room, ranges from unsustainable , others from their employers or blow their life engaging in “findom”, a in which the participant derives pleasure from giving money for nothing tangible in return.

Whinery boosted


If you're referring to the age gap between and his 17-Year old high school student, you know John Ashton, made the proposal that the age of should be reduced from 16 years to 15 or even 14 years?

GPS data reveal that people travel far from home to buy in the United States, challenging ideas about how access to food relates to habits.

Pedophiles are not destined to abuse children, and more openness about living with pedophilia can actually prevent child sexual abuse.


Whinery boosted

#NHS trial uses daily doses of food #allergens to tackle severe reactions - "‘Life-transforming’ trial giving children and young people with milk or peanut allergy small doses to train their bodies to tolerate it" makes sense

Whinery boosted

It's disturbing that in our society that EVERYBODY is ALWAYS accusing all their enemies of pedophilia, but NOBODY has even bothered to take 5 minutes to learn what the word means.


Whinery boosted


You're not the only one. John Ashton, made the proposal that the age of should be reduced from 16 years to 15 or even 14 years.


Whinery boosted

The #guardian reports on a study commissioned by the french government which finds, among other things, that children should only use "ethical" social media such as #mastodon until they're 18.
#smartphone #socialmedia #youth #education

Whinery boosted


Such a shame that we still have to fight for a reduction for lgbtqa+ people.

But they are not the only ones, e.g. non-offending persons with fighting also for a stigma reduction:

Whinery boosted
Whinery boosted

I'm not delusional to think just pointing to this will change many people's minds over night. But it's important not to let this belief remain unchallenged, whenever it can be challenged.

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Whinery boosted

Do you think an average #Mastodon user with a couple hundred followers could post a silly #poll to the #Fediverse, and get a million or more votes in 7 days?

Please boost to widen the sample. ;-)


Whinery boosted

@Phil @sirius

My recommendations for research: whether or not AI-generated child porn can prevent child abuse.

Whinery boosted


I'm not sure if it is a disorder, but I agree needs treatment (not sure if it needs in all cases) with regards to impulse control.

Whinery boosted
Whinery boosted

@Whinery Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. It is a mental disorder that needs treatment. If the person is getting treatment and keeping themselves well away from children in all arenas of life, then I see no reason why that person's human rights should be curtailed.

But let me be clear: if a "minor attracted person" (convenient renaming!) aka pedophile acts on their drives in any way, that is either sexual abuse or outright rape.

@regenbogenfisch Yes, but I have nice news: We observed that some commenters expre...
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