\> WSJ独家:清华大学曾研究说和俄罗斯绑定对中国毫无利益可言,习近平在批示中驳斥道「一派胡言」
原文 *Xi Jinping Doubles Down on His Putin Bet. “I Have a Similar Personality to Yours.”*
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\> His “Russia complex,” as dubbed by some, was so deep that nearly three decades of a Soviet-China split over ideological and other differences didn’t shake it.
\> In 2013, on the eve of Mr. Xi’s state visit to Russia, his first foreign trip as China’s president, ... “I have a similar personality to yours,” Mr. Xi told Mr. Putin during his visit to Moscow.
\> The two have since developed a ritual of wishing each other happy birthday.
\> After coming to power, Mr. Xi sought to change China’s leadership structure, aligning it more with the “Putin model”. He has downgraded the powerful Standing Committee of the Politburo, which in turn, gives himself more authority.
\> A report sent up by Mr. Xi’s alma mater, the prestigious Tsinghua University, argued that Russia’s economy had no future, implying little gain for China in a closer relationship, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
\> “Nonsense,” Mr. Xi wrote in the margins of the report, the people say.
力 排 众 议 (母 校 清 华 也不是什么秘密了,可以给日后历史书舔一个引文脚注。
@acme 刚看了《人类简史》作者一篇关于战争与和平的文章,我想说的是,如果习真的忠于共产主义意识形态,那么他亲俄是正确的选择。俄罗斯是目前唯一能把打仗放在经济建设之前的大国,而对一个号称以共产主义为最高目标和以暴力革命作为实现目标的手段的中国来说,以经济建设为中心对共产主义意识形态的背叛要远远比俄罗斯对苏联的背叛来得彻底。不是共产主义者选择了战争,而是如果共产主义者满足于和平,那么腐化变质只是一种时间问题。
@acme 对真正的共产主义者来说,“让中国人民过上好日子”应当是一个伪命题。
@Limbert 噗
@acme 上一位「一派胡言」的已下台十几年了。