Now, we get to wake up at the butt crack of dawn every morning to get into a "virtual queue" so that we can actually ride the rides we have paid Disney to allow us to schedule as "lightning lanes".
Sound confusing? I think it's purposefully so.
So lets straighten it out.
Step one: By the Lightning Lane. This is the most advertised step and the easiest of course.
Step two: Wake up in the middle of the night so that you get firstish pick of scheduling your ride. You gotta do this on what feels like a random night prior to your trip so I guess add that to you're fun trip itinerary now
Step three: Every day at Didney Worl you must wake up at 7 AM. Even though you are dog tired from walking / running around a hot park all day. Then, you have to schedule your virtual queue. If you don't do this you will straight up just not get to ride the ride you paid for.
Step four: Wait for the people who run the virtual queue to call your number. This can happen at any time on the day that you have scheduled it. After they call your number, you have a limited time to show up at the ride before they skip you and you have to go back to step three. Hopefully you're somewhat nearby when they call your name or you'll have a wonderful time navigating the parks at high speed under duress.
Step five: Stand in line. This is the part where you finally wonder if it was all worth it. Because you're still going to be standing in line for probably 20 minutes. But, I guess that beats standing in line for 90 minutes.
#DidneyWorl is the best.
If I were to come to Didney World at all anymore it would be for the food. I could put an ax through my hand and count off the number of rides that I would be interested in going on.
The food is pretty good though but you gotta prepare to drop some major dollar.