
@CorvidCrone Hey, since you're here and all, what do you think of dying fetus? Is this kind of music interesting to you?

@CorvidCrone Lol, i'm trying to connect over music, when all i want is to interact with someone. I'm over 40, but i am cringing out all the same i did before, and now not even in pursuit of any carnal action. I appreciate that you play along my silly ^^


Silliness is the most important thing. If we can't play, what's the point, right?

@CorvidCrone Do you know this need to connect, even when one has someone special, absent any problems with who one loves? I wonder why i have it, since the woman i love and who loves me is just a room away, and would forgive me if i disturbed her. But somehow i need to talk to more people?
I feel expecially silly since i am in an open relationship. I am not constrained by the usual restraints, i can do what i want. But somehow i need connection beyond the safe harbor i have?
Is this a need that arises from the crisis we are in, building communities? Or is it just some biological thing that happens, barely regulated by my ethical standards?

A tall question to ask, but i reckon you are the right person to ask. May your trials of work be less trying.


I listen to a wide variety of music. From opera to Tomb mold to Earth to Taylor Swift to Etta James to sea shanties to rap

There is not a genre I won't listen to. I refuse to limit myself that way. Music is so intrinsically human and there is no way to listen to all of it.

@CorvidCrone I know someone who was always nice to me but knows a lot more about music than i do... i am getting the impression that i will be similarly humbled in a very nice way as i experienced before ^^

I'm more of a "i do not know a lot about art, but i know what i like" guy. And well, since what i like is important to me, i am not apologizing, even if the art i like is shit :-)

Weasel words aside, i do want to know what you think. Learning is fun, at least since i am not in school anymore.


I love it when people like music or art just because they like it. That's what it's for. At least music made by people - if it's AI generated, it will feel more hollow than someone singing "I dreamed a dream" from Les Miserables without understanding the context of the song.

Regarding Dying Fetus, I think their musicality is good. Their lyrics could be more poetic (I love a good turn of phrase), but that's an opinion not a quality judgement.


My cousin's art professor told her that art is art if it makes people feel. My uncle and I were sitting in front of a very generic painting in a hospital once discussing this, and we spent like ten minutes talking about how bad the painting was, then decided it must be art since it inspired a conversation about how we felt about it

@CorvidCrone Inspiring. Your telling of the story made me think, and whoop the bad art that is good art goes viral, even without me knowing what it was!

@CorvidCrone Say, since you are accomodating beyond any usual standard, what do you think of "iron savior - starborn"?

Starborn and lost in the cold, do you see the thing i see there, the absolute need to cooperate expressed in music?


I like this one a lot. I'm on the second listen. I like their chords and harmonies. This song very much encapsulates the loneliness born of a capitalist greed filled world, and the light of those who would throw it off.

@CorvidCrone I always was taken with their determination - not self-righteous, but convinced.
I appreciate that you validate my amateur appoach, and ofc any LLM generated shit is just random. I could shit in the town square, but if humans shitting there are not appreciated as much as non-sentient entities, what does that say about the state of people loving each other?

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