
@CorvidCrone I kinda want to run all the music l love by you, and randomly, just as i write this, you replied positively.
Let's do in flames next, ok?

Music aside, what can we do to be more resilient to oppresive action? I'm not confident enough to transfer money, but i would surely fight for you if the nazis come. I do dislike in person requirements, but that does not mean you are not important to me. Maybe we can acknowlege we are starborn and out in the cold, and that we need to stick together?


"what can we do to be more resilient to oppressive action?"

We need to stop teaching children obedience. We need to teach choice, goals, and consequences as neutral outcomes.

We have to stop tolerating petty tyrants wielding authoritarianism in the work place, especially if you are in a privileged position.

And we have to see everyone as no more and no less important than ourselves. Never bend the knee, but always lend a hand.

To create resilient communities, we build networks outside hierarchical structures. Often this looks like food share programs and buy nothing groups.

@CorvidCrone I really should be more in contact with the neighbors or other local people. I wonder why it seems to be so hard for me, after all i did have the thought but did not act yet.

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