@vonFriedland Wäre sicher erschreckend, wenn beim nächsten Weltaufgang die Menschenviecher darauf alle eingegangen sind.
@StefanThinks Wait, shouldn't you know best? After all, you already have a friend!
Sie können auf Ihrer Tastatur jederzeit * drücken, wenn Sie eine Spinnnne brauchen. Oder @, wenn Sie den Faden verloren haben. Wir vom #InstitutFuerSpinnenschifffahrt kümmern uns dann darum.
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@DamienMarieAtHope Hmm, the politics you speak of seem to be from the "1.5 party system", as i dub it.
While it seems clear that the .5 will hurt their own way more, i wonder if the 1 actually tries to slow the global demise or is just less blatantly obvious about their transgressions against climate.
@gedvondur But then the front wheels would not hover...
@gedvondur Checked the cable yet? I often think a monitor is going bad, but with a new cable it works just fine.
@DamienMarieAtHope *whinnies* *poops in approval*
@gedvondur But what else can damn god appropriately?
@der_kleine_herr_b Ach du liebes Bisschen! Am Ende auch noch mit Rechnungen, Terminen und so was?
@DamienMarieAtHope "can't" is a pretty extreme position. I'd say it is unlikely that both invest the effort that is necessary.
@brotbuexe Scheint in ner Endlosschleife gefangen zu sein. Am besten mal landen und neu starten.
@pony Missing context here, what was promised?
@dzwiedziu Since our heads don't bend backwards more than usual, i don't see why it would be.
Are you thinking of canadians, maybe?
@twizzay Tricky. I'm not sure i'm ready to be called a beta version.
So, vacation starting, so probably a bit of lounging around, not doing anything i don't want to do in the moment. Maybe some pc gaming, reading, but first and foremost naps naps naps.
@jerry It absolutely is, can't disturb the critters.
@nixCraft Huh, i gotta turn on the audio next time i use gimp. Never heard of that feature!
@twizzay Maybe the thing is not solid concrete but rather filled with random trash offerings collected via those cans. The tree of how polluting are our lives?
@twizzay Ah, so it's not C&C but has more of a 1984 vibe. Be sure to use the right words for everything!
I speak german and english.
Interested in:
- crude jokes
- philosophy
- how people get along
- different viewpoints
- gaming, especially strategy/arpgs
- (java) programming
If i reply but did not favourite your toot: most likely i forgot. I get caught up in talking, i forget.
I generally invite questions. If you look for a clue if it is ok to ask hard questions: this is it. As long as it is in good faith and you want to know wtf i was thinking, go ahead please.
- Bei den Gerüchen die mich umgeben verliert man fast das Bewusstsein - @PippiPunkstrumpf
License information on my avatar potato: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Potato_cv_dejima.jpg