@interfluidity But i'm not a patriot, i'm from germany... i'm a V2!
@interfluidity Hmm, i think we have a slight difference in our understanding of "merit".
I expect some measure of "being useful to others", not just being successfull in terms of driving up a number on a ledger.
@interfluidity But did meritocracy fail? For that, there needs to have been an attempt.
@the_etrain Imagine what they are screwing the dashers out of ^^
@VeroniqueB99 Uh-oh, takeover of the world by the US has been predicted, at least for countries containing men... should i leave to protect my country?
@dyani 🍠
Hi there, i guess the emoji is nothing special, but with my profile pic i couldn't resist saying hi
@PippiPunkstrumpf Wir wurden. Kein self-victimblaming :-)
@PippiPunkstrumpf Das Konzept hat mir eh schon immer so nach Beschiss gerochen. Zum Erbrechen, dass man kaum noch per Überweisung zahlen kann. Da gibts schon Echtzeitüberweisung, dann nimmt sie keiner.
tagesschau: 'Rüstungsindustrie fordert mehr Planungssicherheit'
FDP plant Kriegsgarantie.
@wortspielfettgesicht > Gegenüber dem Bayerischen Rundfunk lobte Haun vor allem Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius. Der SPD-Politiker habe mit einem sogenannten Beschleunigungserlass für wesentlich mehr Tempo in der Beschaffungsbürokratie gesorgt.
Hmm tja, und SPD. "Pistolius", was soll man erwarten.
Wir fordern: Maximal 1,5 Gehirne pro Zombie!!!
Quelle: Die Känguru Comics 2- Du würdest es eh nicht glauben
#Kaenguru #KaenguruComics #MarcUweKling #BerndKissel #Klima
@PippiPunkstrumpf @derthomas Unter allem schrecklichen ist es irgendwie beruhigend zu sehn, dass du diese Umbenennung mit "schwerealien" oder so offenbar auch grauslig findest.
@PippiPunkstrumpf kleine Frontex-Festung, das merk ich mir.
Wo wohnst du?
In Frontex
@interfluidity Of course, Lina Inverse is the most powerful sorceress ever!
Looking at wikipedia, it would have been perfect - i cite: "Adding to her mental instability, she is also selfish, short-tempered and gluttonous,[19] and suffers an inferiority complex over her chest size". Sounds like someone that did win, with minor adjustments!
@interfluidity Yeah, i thought the sarcasm was palpable ^^
From what i heard the biden admin did like some baby steps towards monopoly control recently. Wonder if it just takes years to get anything going or why else that would take so long.
@jcmacomber Or try to close it to save energy
@interfluidity Well, Amazon is pretty brutal towards all other retailers...and their employees... and bottles.
@PippiPunkstrumpf Das mit der Untersuchungskommission wusste ich noch garnicht. Klingt irgendwie nach "die brechen ihre eigenen Gesetze".
I speak german and english.
Interested in:
- crude jokes
- philosophy
- how people get along
- different viewpoints
- gaming, especially strategy/arpgs
- (java) programming
If i reply but did not favourite your toot: most likely i forgot. I get caught up in talking, i forget.
I generally invite questions. If you look for a clue if it is ok to ask hard questions: this is it. As long as it is in good faith and you want to know wtf i was thinking, go ahead please.
- Bei den Gerüchen die mich umgeben verliert man fast das Bewusstsein - @PippiPunkstrumpf
License information on my avatar potato: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Potato_cv_dejima.jpg