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Hey ho followers, i crave attention. If you were weird enough to follow, say hi and please say something weird :-)

I am told i can never die (some stupid song), but how can that be if i am already dead?

Scam songs, pssssh.

If all my dreams come to life, evil people will feel mildly inconvenienced.
If all my fears come to life, ... wait ... we're way past "if".

I guess i'll just go lie down and be at peace. Fuck everyone else, it seems to be what is expected. Love you though, i don't like the expected.

@jeffcliff vivaldi seems kind broken, giving me http 500 on the home feed. Qoto gives me 500 on lists, but home works. Your server up and running? Any general masto/fedi problems known?

Seid ihr auch alle so wuschig?

Faschismus zum dran nuckeln, oder wieder verloren, wir versprechen, ihr seid enttäuscht wenn wir nicht machen. Oder was treibt euch um?

"When you ride TESLA, you ride with Hitler.
Join Public Transportation Today!"

Reworked WW2 poster spotted in Oakland

1) People from the US often censor words
2) the "u" in "shuttering" is not rendered correctly
3) My brain: wtf is "shittering"?

@PippiPunkstrumpf können wir uns bei gelegenheit mal zeit nehmen, poolboy2 zusammen zu kucken?
Ist so ein ding was mir jetzt nicht komplett klar ist, die absolute nichtachtung aller normlität hilft, aber ich bin unklar bei was ich daraus machen soll.

Lol überfordert. Was ist denn der plan? Nur alle tot oder sonst was relevant?

@PippiPunkstrumpf Du kennst ja bestimmt "Dr. Seltsam oder wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben".
Ich hab das gerade aus nostalgie gekuckt, und bin erstaunt, wie wenig überholt das ist.

Die Menschheit hat sich nicht weiterentwickelt, ich bin also nicht hintendran!

I have been wondering if i am using english sayings wrong, but nothing could further the truth.
Just recently i led a camel to a conclusion, but i can't seem to stop it from drinking my kool-aid.

@interfluidity Hi, i'm the economy and it seems i have an exponential growth. Could you suggest a specialist to remove that?

the fuck?

ZDF heute (inoffiziell)  
Selenskyj zeigt sich in einem Interview offen für einen Gebietstausch mit Russland, falls Trump Friedensgespräche ermöglicht. Sicherheitsgarantien ...

Can you even imagine shitting on the ground in front of someone that wants to fuck you?

We need more shit. Shit on the ground.

I just don't want to. How hard is that to understand?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.