Have you visited the #FlyWire website yet? Both for helping proofread and analyze the whole #Drosophila brain #connectome, or simply to admire the beautiful renderings of neuronal arbors: https://join.flywire.ai
(See also the #VirtualFlyBrain for #ontology-driven navigation of the fly brain, and access to images of genetic driver lines, and more: https://v2.virtualflybrain.org/org.geppetto.frontend/geppetto?id=VFB_00101567&i=VFB_00101567 )
Wish I had time or resources to create such a beautiful landing page for the larval central nervous system. The #connectome of the whole larval brain is coming soon. For now, see the #vEM images and some ~3,000 published neurons in this #CATMAID server: https://l1em.catmaid.virtualflybrain.org/?pid=1&zp=108250&yp=82961.59999999999&xp=54210.799999999996&tool=tracingtool&sid0=1&s0=2.4999999999999996&help=true&layout=h(XY,%20%7B%20type:%20%22neuron-search%22,%20id:%20%22neuron-search-1%22,%20options:%20%7B%22annotation-name%22:%20%22papers%22%7D%7D,%200.6)
@kofanchen Nice timing :)
Had a very useful induction from Amy and Marrissa
@albertcardona I would love to spend some time there and find clock neurons : )
(if it hasn't been done already)
@mariafernandez Only one way to find out: contact the https://join.flywire.ai team or directly ask Mala Murthy or over email.
@albertcardona having my touring this afternoon