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Color TV debuted 72 years ago today — June 25, 1951.

#EdSullivan hosted PREMIERE, the first commercially sponsored color show (on 5 CBS affiliates).

Few saw it, because color sets weren’t on sale yet! And CBS’s color broadcasts were incompatible w/ B&W TVs.

#OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1950sTV

A joke from 1942:
Do you know what they call the table where nine people sit enjoying lunch with one Nazi? It's called "the Nazi Table".
The same joke updated for 2023:
Do you know what they call the table where nine people sit enjoying lunch with one Nazi? It's called "Twitter".

With the disproportionate amount of press coverage of #OceanGate, I hope that more people learn the lesson that capitalist techbros cannot be trusted because they make fast-and-loose corner-cuts like this ALL THE TIME; it's the rule, not the exception. However, it tends to go unnoticed when it doesn't fail in such a dramatic and instantaneous way.

Tangentially, this is why I worry about the rush to (mis-)apply LLMs in such fields as medical care and insurance (or the inevitable lacks thereof).

The Parable of the Killer of Hundreds vs. the Killer of One

The Killer of Hundreds and the Killer of None met to resolve their differences.

The Killer of Hundreds said, "I offer a compromise, we shall only kill fifty."

The Killer of None replied, "I offer only that we shall kill none."

The onlookers cried out in shock and surprise! What sort of compromise was this?

The Killer of Hundreds smiled coldly and said, "You should be more reasonable. Clearly I have compromised, and you have not. If you will not deal with me reasonably, how are we ever to proceed?"

The Killer of None replied, "You offer little compromise, killer of hundreds. For you, to compromise on the number of people killed sacrifices none of your position that people should be killed.

"However," The Killer of None continued, "For me to concede to even one of these murders would be to compromise all of my position. Once I cross that line, what argument can I ever possess for one against fifty or hundreds?

"In truth," the Killer of None explained, to the voices of all present, "You are sacrificing nothing, while asking me to sacrifice everything. For some things there can never be any compromise."

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Do you know what they call the table where nine people sit enjoying lunch with one Nazi? It's usually called "the Nazi Table", but sometimes it's called Twitter.

So I heard that on Bird Chan you can't say the word "cis-gender" anymore. Can someone explain why anyone who isn't a far-right reactionary is still there?

This whole submarine thing is a preview of exactly how "space tourism" is going to go

We're very excited to be joining the #fediverse, so here's our #introduction post:

We are the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research (WCFTR), an archive preserving materials from the entertainment industries. We are home to over three hundred collections from playwrights, television and movie writers, producers, actors, designers, directors, and production companies.

Housed in the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Library-Archives Division, the WCFTR is one of the world’s most accessible #archives and is regularly visited by researchers from around the world. Research undertaken in its collections has revolutionized the scholarship of American #cinema, #theater, and #television.

We provide in-person and remote access to our collections. Learn more here:

We use social media to share news about new collections, upcoming events, interesting materials we've found, and projects that we're working on -- as well as learning about what you're working on!

Uh, Hello, I'm new here.
I knew mastodon or the fediverse stuff from a youtube recommendation and how the 'general' internet is coming to an end.

So uhh...
Hi people of the...

I am very new and unknownledgable towards these kind of stuff cus' I was pretty used to twitter, and I was expecting mastodon works like twitter but I was wrong. This is definitely something unique experience that I am witnessing, and I am enthralled, of a kind of things I found on the wired.

So, I will appreciate if some of you could give me a thing or two about this place.

(Sorry if I made mistake in some grammar. Not a native eng speaker 😅)

1982 - "Tell them."
"I did. They laughed."
1992 - Tell them again."
"I did. They laughed."
2002 - You must keep telling them."
"I do tell them, everyday I tell them
few will listen"
2012. - "They must listen or it will be too late"
"It is too late."
2022 - "Is it really still too late?"
"It's way past too late. Fewer people are laughing."
2033 "Why did no one tell us?"
"Oh we did, many times, many ways. But we have made progress. No one is laughing anymore."

From an AP article:

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A federal judge struck down Arkansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on gender-affirming care for children as unconstitutional Tuesday, the first ruling to overturn such a prohibition as a growing number of Republican-led states adopt similar restrictions.

U.S. District Judge Jay Moody issued a permanent injunction against the Arkansas law, which would have prohibited doctors from providing gender-affirming hormone treatment, puberty blockers or surgery to anyone under 18.

Arkansas’ law, which Moody temporarily blocked in 2021, also would have prohibited doctors from referring patients elsewhere for such care.

#lgbtq #trans #legislation #genderaffirming #goodnews

Flying pigs are supposed to be the epitome of the impossible, and yet the grocery store is careful to specify that this is ground pork.

@BlackMastodon #Abolition #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #AI @BlackMastodon
During COVID, you may recall or perhaps you never knew, that Black folks were denied potentially life saving treatment because an algorithm determined they were unlikely to survive. Once the crisis was over, it was discovered that the algorithm used racially biased medical data to inform triage decisions.

In a lot of rhetorical questions about "AI" you can basically just replace "AI" with "powerful people" to get to the actual question.
The tech is just a multiplier of power imbalances already in full force.


Only 40 more years to go until first contact.

Google ended moderation of 2020 election lies on YouTube.

Facebook/Instagram restored Trump's deceitful, violence-promoting accounts.

Spotify stopped pretending to exercise editorial oversight over the increasingly vile Joe Rogan.

And of course, Twitter is now run by a right-wing extremist who uses the platform to promote right-wing extremism.

This is the social-media trendline as we head into an election that will decide the fate of democracy.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.