As a counterpoint, here is Dr. Monica Gandhi an infectious disease specialist at UCSF explaining why Covid-19 is not the type of disease that could be eradicated regardless of what measures were taken:
@antares @seachanger Note that it absolutely would be possible to control outbreaks, even if eradication is out of the question. Japan and Korea have demonstrated this. We deemed the costs (monetary but also social and political) too high to control COVID. I tend to agree, the article disagrees and makes points along the way that I find worth considering.
@antares @seachanger Thanks, helpful information! A link without paywall to that article (link will not work during "rush hour"):
@schrotie @seachanger
The Social Media tl'dr version has 4 points:
* [Animal Reservoirs](
* [Lack of a sterilizing vaccine](
* [High mutation rate](
* [Asymptomatic spread](