Have you considered the possibility that the people who work at the CDC are those kind of people, but that the best scientific evidence suggests that at this point in the progress of the COVID-19 epidemic that there is not a reasonable social benefit to the 5-day quarantine? Could it be that Public Health is acting completely rationally and that you are perhaps the one over reacting?
@antares @trendless couple that with the fact that everyone clearly knows the CDC is doing this in bad faith as well. Some people admit this to themselves.
@antares @migriverat @trendless Yes, this has been considered, and rejected. The shorter 5-day quarantine itself, for example, came from Delta Airlines (et alia) wanting quicker money, not from scientific evidence or concern for society.
@antares @trendless I think the fact that you have cited Monica Gandhi in the past clearly demonstrates your bad faith here.