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apaoapa boosted

mobile was the worst thing that ever happened to the internet tbh

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apaoapa boosted

Recurring offer reminder: I'll help / mentor / teach / tutor / troubleshoot with anyone who wants to learn git for basic version control, collaboration, managing personal projects, or for a day job. I'll work to connect people with mentors other than me if they prefer - no need to explain why.

Same for bash, command line tools, and so on.

I want using & contributing to FS/OSS to be easier for way more people.

Boosts appreciated!!

#gittutors #git #help #teaching #troubleshooting #ohShitGit

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apaoapa boosted
apaoapa boosted

PC CONTROLLED ROBOTIC ARM: A try to simulate the automation of modern manufacturing technologies specially the robotic arms that used in all fields of manufacturing. (by Ahmed Azouz) on #hackaday

apaoapa boosted
apaoapa boosted
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apaoapa boosted

Increíble la solidaridad y la combatividad de la clase trabajadora en Euskadi. Este 30 de Enero han convocado una huelga general por los derechos laborales, por una vida digna, por pensiones públicas de calidad, uniendo las luchas aglutinadas entorno al movimiento obrero. Apoyemos la convocatoria yendo a las concentraciones en apoyo que se han convocado por todo el estado, sigamos el ejemplo de clase trabajadora vasca que lucha por sus derechos y su dignidad. #U30GrebaOrokorra #HuelgaGeneral30E

apaoapa boosted

Protestas de los agricultores en Don Benito (Badajoz) al grito de "el pueblo unido jamás será vencido".

apaoapa boosted

Classifying everything using your RPi Camera: How to classify images quickly and accurately using your RPi with a camera and an internet connection (by Steven Hickson) on #hackaday

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apaoapa boosted

hi @Zwarteuil,
as I see you're hosting an anarchist libary. Great! :-)

So you might be interested in taking a look at @inventaire. It's an #opensource plattform for organizing and sharing books directly connected with #wikidata.

And it's free of #google analytics, which is still in use by #tinycat, the libary program you're using.

At #inventaire you can also have groups. Here's an example:

apaoapa boosted

Ayer se resistió otro intento de desalojo de la molinera Minetti Los trabajadores resistieron y continua la ocupacion, reproducimos texto de las compañeras!.
Donde quedo la cordoba combativa del 69, de la unidad trabajadora. De los sindicatos combativos contra el imperialismo y el capital. Donde quedo la cordoba combativa del 69, de la unidad para la transformacion social. De las alianzas politicas, de la unidad en la accion. Donde quedo la cordoba combativa del cordobazo? Cuando la burocracia sindical entorpece, dificulta y demora su accionar como representante de lxs trabajadores. Cuando la burocracia sindical responde a los intereses de las grandes corporaciones empresariales y de los gobiernos. Cuando la unidad intersindical queda solo como declamacion de grandes titulares. Cuando la unidad intersindical queda supeditada a la " fotografia" de la lucha. Cuando la defensa de los derechos de lxs trabajadores se convierten en procesos administrativos. Cuando .... Hoy resistimos un dia mas del desalojo. Seguimos en pie de lucha. Alzamos nuestro grito de lucha con todxs! Comision de Mujeres trabajadores molino minetti.

Yesterday another attempt to evacuate the Minetti miller resisted. The workers resisted and the occupation continues, we reproduce the text of the companions !.
Where was the combative Cordoba of 69, of the working unit. Of the combative unions against imperialism and capital. Where was the combative Cordoba of 69, of the unit for social transformation. Of political alliances, of unity in action. Where is the cordobazo combative cordobazo? When the union bureaucracy hinders, hinders and delays its actions as a representative of the workers. When the union bureaucracy responds to the interests of large business corporations and governments. When the intersindical unit is only as a declaration of great holders. When the inter-union unit is subject to the "photography" of the struggle. When the defense of workers' rights becomes administrative processes. When ... Today we resist one more day of eviction. We are still fighting. We raise our battle cry with everyone! Commission of Women Minetti Mill Workers.

apaoapa boosted
"why don't you have a webcam cover?"
"because the webcam driver doesn't work"
"but what if someone hacked into your system and fixed the driver?"
"mission accomplished"
apaoapa boosted
#Putzi ist - erstmal - geräumt. Viele Freiraum-Aktivist_innen sitzen jetzt in ihren Wohnungen, andere haben keine & MÜSSEN weiter machen. Daher hier noch ein älteres Interview zu #Obdachlosigkeit in #Dresden & wie #Solidarität aussehen kann:… #ddbesetzen

Another day the 150 familis of millers workers resist another day the presure of the cops. In Córdoba argentina
Otro día de resistencia de la toma de fabrica de los trabajadores molineros de Minetti en cordoba argentina.

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