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apaoapa boosted

Farm Hack. A worldwide community of farmers that build and modify their own tools

apaoapa boosted

Si os digo la verdad hecho de menos los foros. Es cierto que todavía reddit se usa mucho, pero antiguamente había foros de cualquier cosa y podías leer comentarios y respuestas muy elaboradas.

apaoapa boosted

honestly it's hilarious how people pretend our society is a meritocracy when you see just how dogshit rich people are at using their money lol

apaoapa boosted

Understanding Deep Learning is easy if you have a concept of Machine Learning. Having a good knowledge of Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, Programming Language, Statistics is an added advantage. We have prepared a list of books that you can refer to as understanding Deep Learning. This list covers core Deep Learning Books and those relevant to complement your field of expertise.

Check all top deep learning books:

apaoapa boosted
apaoapa boosted

Todo son risas hasta que ves el código explicativo de un artículo y te das cuenta de que es una imagen

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apaoapa boosted
apaoapa boosted

Gente de saben cómo sumarse? Porque no me habilitan la cuenta

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Republicanos antifascistas luchando contra el ISIS , Ortega Smith ten cojones y vete a luchar de verdad no de boquilla

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apaoapa boosted
apaoapa boosted

to anyone who needs assistive technologies in Linux

to have a book read to you just use Firefox browser and this add-on. called read aloud.has voice options.

Opengazer to track head movement with your webcam

apaoapa boosted

Well, looks like we are successfully running off hydro in the alps.

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Hoy fue otro día de resistencia en el que se organizo una marcha hasta la legislatura para reclamar la situación de los molineros.

Ya se resistió 2 intentos de desalojo, ya pasaron 6 meses de lucha y se sigue en pie.

6 month of resistance 2 times the cops tried to dislodge the factory now we march now we need solidarity + class worker

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apaoapa boosted

Can't change my address on the bank's website, from my static home computer at my address, but can change it by downloading shit over my unsecure, easily cloned phone connection and logging in on that. Sigh.

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