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apaoapa boosted

RT asome al balcon y la vi😖flaquisima y asustada Baje a darle de comer, no me pude contener🙄. Dije hace rato ACA MAS BICHOS NO: la subí 😐. Les presento a Pandemia


apaoapa boosted

Hey folx. I'm writing a free book called Riot Medicine to help teach people first aid for protests, riots, and insurrections. Ⓐ 🏴 ⚕️

Some volunteers have already completed illustrations, but there's still many more that are needed before this can be distributed. If you're able to help out (even with just a single illustration!) get in touch.

You can find out more at

Examples of content (including illustrations) are provided below.

apaoapa boosted

Me causa mucha gracia ( no sé si es la palabra adecuada) , los chetos que viajaron al exterior que ahora gritan, el estado es responsable...
Dicen que 15000 personas salieron del pais cuando se decreto el aislamiento, antes que cerraran las fronteras

apaoapa boosted

think rad apples here in dundee might be the only business I know of where the owners pay themselves a smaller wage than all their staff (they function practically almost as a worker co-op, but they only opened a few months ago and it's extremely difficult to form a worker co-op with a flat hierarchy under scottish law)

they've held fundraisers for Food Not Bombs, the anarchist bookfair, they do a "tins for tunes" thing for all their gigs where you can pay for entry by bringing tinned donations for Dundee Foodbank in Action, the people who run it helped found the Make-That-A-Take Record Collective for Scottish DIY punk bands, they let people who need the extra income come in to get copies of Dope magazine to sell when Food Not Bombs aren't out, and I really feckin hope they survive this

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#TIL about #Librerouter, a project that aims to make it easier for non-geek rural communities to create #MeshNetworks. The project outputs include an #OpenHardware router with a #FreeCode OS:

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This is a minimal circuit to get an ATMega328 running solo, without the Arduino board and USB stuff

If you leave out the 16MHz crystal and use the onboard 8MHz clock, you can bring down the power consumption even more, but at lower speed, obviously

The thing to keep in mind that the Arduino pins and the ATMega chip pins aren't the same. There's some mapping translation involved if you're using the Arduino IDE to program one


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Estos días más que nunca toca poner en práctica el apoyo mutuo y cuidarnos. Si tenéis que quedaros en casa, recuperad fuerzas y recordad que la mayor parte de nuestro catálogo está en libre descarga.


what do you think about reddit?

Witch place is good for engineers social networks?

any good engineer tech community?
tech left community?

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apaoapa boosted

Turquía corta el agua a Hesekê

El ejército turco asaltó las obras hidráulicas de Elok al este de Serêkaniyê, ahuyentó a los trabajadores y cerró la planta. La planta representa una de las líneas de suministro de agua más importantes para el cantón de Hesekê.

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This is a scene from the #anime Touch (1985) and I've always wondered what the opening City Pop song was. Whether it was unique to the anime or if there's an album available

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Revolutionary Shinmin: The Anarchist Revolution in East Asia - bandilangitim: A note by Miggoy C.  We’re sure western anarchists are familiar with anarchist revolutions in Catalonia and Ukraine, but we in Asia have our own anarchist revolution...

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Qué triste, murió Freeman Dyson.

Fue un físico teórico británico, pionero en el desarrollo de la teoría de campos, y que dedicó parte de su vida a la investigación de la posibilidad de vida e inteligencia extraterrestre.

Fue el inventor de las "cápsulas de Dyson", enormes estructuras que rodearían una estrella para aprovechar compketamente su energía.

Hace unos años, cuando se descubrió el extraño comportamiento de la estrella de Tabby, se pensó que podría tratarse de una cápsula de Dyson.

apaoapa boosted

I've been looking at the TinyPico, an ESP32 based #DIY board for #HardwareHacking projects and it actually seems to be quite functional

The module itself is a lot smaller than most other solutions I've seen and it includes built-in battery management (which is a big deal for me) and USB connectivity, unlike the bare ESP32 module

This might be a good place to start with my word processor project

The project page:

And a small intro:

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