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#Lunes8abril #Hoy cumple 771 días de detención el periodista Pablo González en Polonia, único periodista europeo preso en la UE, NO hay pruebas en su contra, ni juicio a la vista #DDHH #FreePablo #PavelAskatu #FreePabloGonzález #PabloGonzálezLibertad

A shocking report from Gaza City, in the vicinity of Al Shifa hospital by colleague Anas al-Sharif.

Amid Israeli bombardment of residential buildings, a child can be seen crying that he has lost his whole family and has nowhere to go.

#Gaza #Palestine #genocide

@jonburr @palestine There is no contradiction here. “Famine" is a descriptor of the severity of the starvation, it does not imply it's a natural catastrophe. There is a famine because Israel is committing the crime of deliberate starvation.

"The participation of Israel and its technology companies in the MWC Fair is a form of legitimization of the crimes against humanity and genocide against the Palestinian people. Enough complicity with genocide and apartheid!" #MWCBarcelona2024 Please read & sign the #Tecnosandías campaign here ->

Israel admits to “immense” amount of “friendly fire” on 7 October

Drone footage released by the Israeli military last month shows the extent of the destruction of the cars fleeing the Supernova rave on 7 October, likely inflicted by Israeli drones and helicopters. (RT/Israeli military)
Israel’s army on Tuesday admitted that an “immense and complex quantity” of what it calls “friendly fire” incidents took place on 7 October.

#Gaza #Palestine

#IsraelTerroristState #gazagenocide
#NetanyahuWarCriminal #GenocideJoe

The UN humanitarian agency, OCHA, says humanitarian organisations are being “systemically denied access” to north and south Gaza and that humanitarian aid convoys are coming under fire.
A senior UN humanitarian aid official has said that one-quarter of Gaza’s population – estimated to be at least 576,000 people – is a step away from famine.

The Art Not Genocide Alliance (ANGA) said the Biennale – a major international art exhibition – had two years ago banned anyone linked to the Russian government following the invasion of Ukraine, but not taken action against Israel as it continues its war on #Gaza

“The Biennale has been silent about Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians. We are appalled by this double standard,” ANGA said in an online letter that signed by more than 12,500 people as of Tuesday.

I would like to see these vile ignorant inhumane zionatsi scum dragged into Rafah and made to spend 1month there in order to experience the suffering their fascism is causing.

Young Israelis block aid to Gaza while IDF soldiers stand and watch

#GazaGenocide #Rafah #Gaza #Palestine

"When I was in the West Bank settlers attacked olive pickers, saying they were Hamas agents. IDF soldiers used the same pretext to stop the harvest. One soldier told me picking olives was a 'political act.'" - Shane Bauer, The New Yorker

For anyone also on Twitter/X here's the link to the entire thread, which is really worth your time.

#WestBank #IsraelOccupation #IsraeliSettlers

A 75 year long friendship in occupation and ethnic-cleansing.

Billboard spotted in Houston

c/o graffiti.from.palestine (Instagram)

#FreePalestine #ArmsEmbargoNow #CeasefireNow

Una anàlisi de 163 productes educatius digitals va descobrir que el 89% registrava les activitats dels alumnes a classe i fins i tot fora de l’horari escolar, i venia aquesta informació a empreses dedicades a la publicitat. Aquesta vigilància tenia lloc al marge del consentiment dels nens o dels progenitors, i sense possibilitat d’aturar-la. Alguns estats han començat a reaccionar, i han prohibit l’ús de productes de companyies com Google o Microsoft.

Grabadme el documental de La 2: “Los mil días de Allende”, que ando tarde y no lo puedo ver!! ✊✊✊

Us estic escrivint des d'un mòbil del 2015 que tenia per casa. Té un Android 11 instal·lat, pel que puc instal·lar-hi aplicacions modernes i funciona tan bé com el dia que el vaig comprar. I com m'ho he fet?
Instal·lant-hi LineageOS, un android sense les coses de Google.
Us animo a tots a que feu el mateix amb aquell mòbil vell que teniu per casa i veureu l'obscolescència programada de primera mà. D'aquí uns dies escriuré un article al bloc explicant el perquè, com fer-ho i la meva experiència.

Bon dia, avui dilluns començo una #UtilitatLliurePerComençarBéLaSetmana
Avui li toca a @excalidraw una eina que fantàstica per fer dibuixos i esquemes. Que tot i ser en format web, desa totes les dades en local, sense privar-te de compartir-les en línia si així ho desitges.
A més a més, la següent versió segurament la tindrem disponible en català.
La teniu aquí 👉

The #Forgejo monthly update was published ✨ It is a high level overview of the project activities.

Forgejo started as a soft fork of Gitea, in reaction to governance changes within the project. Over time, it developed its own identity, adopted both development and governance practices - to ensure the stability, quality, and openness of the project - that made it more challenging to remain a soft fork. The decision was made to become a hard fork.

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