Accessibility Considerations in the Development of an AI Action PlanWe argue that there is a need for Accessibility to be represented in several important domains:
- Capitalize on the new capabilities AI provides - Support for open source development of AI, which can allow disabled and disability focused professionals to contribute, including
- Development of Accessibility Apps which help realise the promise of AI in accessibility domains
- Open Source Model Development and Validation to ensure that accessibility concerns are addressed in these algorithms
- Data Augmentation to include accessibility in data sets used to train models
- Accessible Interfaces that allow disabled people to use any AI app, and to validate its outputs
- Dedicated Functionality and Libraries that can make it easy to integrate AI support into a variety of settings and apps. - Data security and privacy and privacy risks including data collected by AI based accessibility technologies; and the possibility of disability disclosure. - Disability-specific AI risks and biases including both direct bias (during AI use by the disabled person) and indirect bias (when AI is used by someone else on data relating to a disabled person).