Nodal Replication of Planar Random WavesWe study the almost periods of the eigenmodes of flat planar manifolds in the
high energy limit. We prove in particular that the Gaussian Arithmetic Random
Waves replicate almost identically at a scale at most ${\ell}$n := n -- 1 2 exp
(Nn), where Nn is the number of ways n can be written as a sum of two squares.
It provides a qualitative interpretation of the full correlation phenomenon of
the nodal length, which is known to happen at scales larger than ${\ell}$ ' n
:= n --1/2 N A n. We provide also a heuristic with a toy model pleading that
the minimal scale of replication should be closer to ${\ell}$ ' n than
${\ell}$n. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Almost periodicity and replication 6
3. Dirichlet's theorem for almost periodic fields 13 4. Replication of the
nodal lines 15 5. Optimality of Dirichlet's approximation theorem 19 6.
Appendix 20 References 28