The largest normalized Laplacian eigenvalue and incidence balancedness of simplicial complexesLet $K$ be a simplicial complex, and let $Δ_i^{up}(K)$ be the $i$-th up normalized Laplacian of $K$. Horak and Jost showed that the largest eigenvalue of $Δ_i^{up}(K)$ is at most $i+2$, and characterized the equality case by the orientable or non-orientable circuits. In this paper, by using the balancedness of signed graphs, we show that $Δ_i^{up}(K)$ has an eigenvalue $i+2$ if and only if $K$ has an $(i+1)$-path connected component $K'$ such that the $i$-th signed incidence graph $B_i(K')$ is balanced, which implies Horak and Jost's characterization. We also characterize the multiplicity of $i+2$ as an eigenvalue of $Δ_i^{up}(K)$, which generalizes the corresponding result in graph case. Finally we gave some classes of infinitely many simplicial complexes $K$ with $Δ_i^{up}(K)$ having an eigenvalue $i+2$ by using wedge, Cartesian product and duplication of motifs.