Convexity and concavity of a class of functions related to the elliptic functionsWe investigate the convexity property on $(0,1)$ of the function $$f_a(x)=\frac{{\cal K}{(\sqrt x)}}{a-(1/2)\log(1-x)}.$$ We show that $f_a$ is strictly convex on $(0,1)$ if and only if $a\geq a_c$ and $1/f_a$ is strictly convex on $(0,1)$ if and only if $a\leq\log 4$, where $a_c$ is some critical value. The second main result of the paper is to study the log-convexity and log-concavity of the function $$h_p(x)=(1-x)^p{\cal K}(\sqrt x).$$ We prove that $h_p$ is strictly log-concave on $(0,1)$ if and only if $p\geq 7/32$ and strictly log-convex if and only if $p\leq 0$. This solves some problems posed by Yang and Tian and complete their result and a result of Alzer and Richards that $f_a$ is strictly concave on $(0,1)$ if and only if $a=4/3$ and $1/f_a$ is strictly concave on $(0,1)$ if and only if $a\geq 8/5$. As applications of the convexity and concavity, we establish among other inequalities, that for $a\geq a_c$ and all $r\in(0,1)$ $$\frac{2π\sqrtπ}{(2a+\log 2)Γ(3/4)^2}\leq \frac{{\cal K}(\sqrt r)}{a-\frac12\log (r)}+\frac{{\cal K}(\sqrt{1-r})}{a-\frac12\log (1-r)}<1+\fracπ{2a},$$ and for $p\geq 3(2+\sqrt 2)/8$ and all $r\in(0,1)$ $$\sqrt{(r-r^2)^p{\cal K}(\sqrt{1-r}){\cal K}(\sqrt r)}< \frac{π\sqrtπ}{2^{p+1}Γ(3/4)^2}<\frac{r^p{\cal K}(\sqrt{1-r})+(1-r)^p{\cal K}(\sqrt r)}{2}.$$