A Problem of KnotIn this article, the authors give the correct answer to the following problem, which is presented in the well-known problem book "CHALLENGING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS WITH ELEMENTARY SOLUTIONS"? by A. M. Yaglom and L. M. Yaglom.
There are six long blades of grass with the ends protruding above and below, and you will tie together the six upper ends in pairs and then tie together the six lower ends in pairs. What is the probability that a ring will be formed when the blades of grass are tied at random in this fashion?
The solution in the above book needs to be corrected, and we will present a correct answer in this article. Therefore, we are the first persons to present a correct?answer to a problem in a book published in the USSR? in 1954. By following the original idea of this problem book, we present the correct answer without using knowledge of higher knowledge, although we used a very basic knowledge of the Knot theory.