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@tortoc Die sind sowieso meistens über App verschließbar (neben anderen Funktionen). Macht also wenig Sinn, da extra Elektronik für NFC Tags einzubauen
@tortoc Mehr oder weniger, ja. Mir ist in letter Zeit echt aufgefallen, dass sich Leute mir gegenüber deshalb anders verhalten und es ist echt uncomfortable (wohlgemeinte Insider mal ausgenommen). Gerade wenn man es damit vergleicht, wie wenig Wertschätzung Leuten in wirklich essenziellen Berufen entgegengebracht wird.
If you have a conflict between independent science on the one side and market forces/economic factors on the other side, there is no compromise.
Between the unchanging laws of nature and a human-made system to quantify value, exactly one side can be influenced, changed and compromised with.
This has been like this with tobacco, chlorofluorocarbons, DDT, fossil fuels, neonicotinoids, endocrine disruptors... The list goes on.
Yet, more often than not, independent science is ignored by those in power for the benefit of lobby groups, industry and more "realistic" and less "idealistic" solutions. Leave those people in an enclosed space with a car engine running and ask them again, which is more "real": The molecules in the air or the money in their wallets.
It's so discouraging to look at climate politics rn.
I'm used to people not doing enough to fight it but a lot of factors point towards regression and destroying progress we already made or were on the track to making.
And all because people don't understand that we need to let go of our ill-gotten gains, even if it hurts our wallet. In a fight between market forces and basic physics, there is only one long-term winner
@tortoc Das ist ne richtig gute Idee. Dann kannst du auch automatisch die Formulare zur Entschädigung bei Verspätung ausfüllen lassen. Das ist so ein Krampf jedes mal
The new Zelda Trailer looks really great!
@trinsec That's Norway but yeah, I'll probably end up hiking a lot
Seriously, 5e isn't perfect but out of all the changes I would have liked to see, none have been tracked so far. On the other hand, you get shit like making wildshape boring and stuff like this. I'll go back to 3.5e before I play OneD&D
Electrical Engineer | Environmentalist | Outdoor Enthusiast | Maker | DE/EN/SV