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So I deleted the twitter app from my phone and my last days have been blessedly absent of annoying billionaires and petty drama

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I am 100% not shitting you when I say scientists named mastodons after their teeth which they thought looked like nipples. “Mastos” as in breast. “odont” as in tooth.
We’re on a website that, in Greek, literally means “Booby Tooth.”

I was able to repair my 80€ Headphones using spare parts that cost me 0.71€ and a total of 2h of work. Had I bought headphones from certain other companies, repairing them would have been either impossible or the spare parts would have cost nearly as much as the headphones themselves.
This is why we need a right to repair.

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'Among other things, the latest report makes unmistakably clear that whatever Chevron, BP, Shell, Exxon and other members of the American Petroleum Institute may say about their climate policies, their investments show that they intend to continue producing and selling oil and gas deep into the future — and well beyond the carbon budgets implied by any of the world’s climate goals.'

So let me get this straight: Twitter bans elonjet, bans journalists covering the topic and now they're blocking links to mastodon?

Yay, free speech...

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Justizminister Buschmann: Bundesregierung klar gegen Chatkontrolle

Nach einem "guten Gespräch" mit der Innenministerin Faeser sei sich die Exekutive nun endlich einig beim Nein zu anlassloser Überwachung, so Buschmann.

#Chatkontrolle #Datenschutz #KryptoMessenger #Messenger #Verschlüsselung

I submitted my Master's thesis a few days ago and I finally have time for the nice things in life.
So mainly, I'm doing the same things I did for my thesis but for personal projects.

Also, reading. Lots of reading.

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Thus far I've been asked three times by friends and family to explain "What the deal with that fusion thing" is. I'm not even a physicist, let alone one who is specialised in that field.

My heart goes out to all you non-fusion physicists who probably get even more of that.

So is there no option to make your account private on Mastodon or am I just too stupid to find it?

It's a bit like asking people "Would you rather buy a beautiful apple that is imported from the other end of the world and been treated with insecticides or an apple from a local organic farm that has a few blemishes?"

Most people would say they'd take the second one. But when they go to the supermarket and buy some apples, most of those people still take the beautiful insecticide apple.

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Seeing how much people moving from twitter to here complain about minor inconveniences really sheds some light on why IT corporations spend millions on UX and then milions again on advertising their UX.

I'm a slut for complex decentralised networks.

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Ultimatum bei Twitter: Hunderte Angestellte kündigen, Musk schließt die Büros

Nach dem abgelaufenen Ultimatum hat Twitter offenbar Hunderte weitere Angestellte verloren. Zuletzt hat Musk versucht, einige zum Bleiben zu überreden.

#Twitter #TwitterTakeover #TwitterÜbernahme #ElonMusk

But it's kinda ironic: Twitter's mainstream impact has largely been based around people gossiping and squabbling and calling it "news" and "discourse". And now the same tendencies turn back on the platform itself, amplifying the turbulences like a giant digital tacoma narrows bridge.

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Honestly, at this point I just ignore the whole twitter drama. People are stumbling over each other trying to make the "funniest" Elon Musk joke, Twittter introduces/reverts changes and everything is a dumpster fire.

Call me when it has either settled or blown up beyond repair, otherwise I'm couldn't care less about the drama

Going from 3D printing and programming stuff to PCB development is such a cluture shock. It really shows how spoiled from rapid iteration you are.
If you make one mistake or miss one edge case, you're screwed and it can take weeks to find the mistake, fix it and make a new prototype.
Huge respect to anyone who does this professionally

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Hey there! I lost my old login and with recent events in mind, it seemed like a good idea to get used to this place sooner rather than later.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.