@backofficeshow I use bedtime mode (Android) to turn the screen grayscale. It's designed to reduce blue light before bed, but you can turn it on whenever you want.
Makes everything less engaging/interesting & easier to put down.
Out with the kids on a 5km forest walk and stopped of to make a little lunch (all this camping tech has come a long way 😂). While walking I thought how vibrant everything seems when you get to walk about in nature.
It's very easy to get hooked on our devices and see everything through an OLED screen. Think how much better things were when everything was not trying to grab our attention and sell us stuff.
Has anyone tried a device curfew? If so how did you find it?
Not sure if anyone is interesting but I'm currently playing with the remarkably proceed UNI-T thermal imaging camera.
It could not quite focus on the kind of chips I was observing, but it was possible to obtain a 3D printed macro lens holder with a laser cutter lens fitted(no idea optically how these work, but definitely not plain glass).
Will be putting it though it's paces next week.
Curious to see if anyone hacks the software. It's trying to be a FLIR, but I think it can be so much more.
I couldn't resist trying this after (like half they planet) seeing so much about it on Twitter. But honestly I already see it as a vast improvement. When you compare how Twitter started to where it is today seems to be the trajectory for most advert supported platforms. You just do not get to see as much of the content you are actually interested in. YouTube is another culprit for that.
Removing the limits looks like it will really help develop some longer form communication - which in my field will definitely help. We cannot always summarise compress ideas into a few characters 😂
Looking forward to seeing how this goes!
Primarily I like breaking things and figuring out how they work. When I'm not tearing things down I like to design electronics and 3D printed parts, a lot of the time for retro computers, but in no way limited to that!
I try to document my antics on my YouTube channel which I started as a log so that my then young kids would have something to know be by incase I expired unexpectedly. 1500 videos and counting, Idon't they will watch them 😂
We have a nice little community on Discord to talk about tinkering and the occasional video game!
Usually about on Discord: https://discord.gg/ ZsvS7C3
Retro tech stuff: https://backofficeshow.com
YouTube: https://YouTube.com/backofficeshow
Github: https://github.com/backofficeshow
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/backofficeshow/designs