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Here is an example of the note other pc in the wild.

The red route is the planed route, where as the dark blue one is the one that was tracked.

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Sometimes the flow of the ditch does not follow a path, in such a case the keyword to can help out.

E.g. path to object or ditch s to path, in either example the note should be placed at the location the flow diverges either from parallelism by ditches or linear fashion by paths.

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Do these paywalled article people even realize most people, regardless of anything to do with privacy, are way WAY too lazy to bother signing up for an account just to read some article.

Like I will literally pull apart your HTML and rewrite rather than have to deal with one more piece of spam mail!


The positional keyword reverse|rev|- is used to explain if either the mirrored or shapes are flipped. The direction of the flip is first on the vertical axis and then horizontal.

For the symmetric shapes T, V, Y it is obvious that adding reverse will flip it horizontal.

Further similarities with existing notations:

[ = rev]
] =  rev[
L = right floor
revL =  left floor
rev left floor = left ceil
rev right ceil = right floor
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Sometimes the combo of positional with mirrored keywords is not enough, thus the shapes were introduced. These give the possibility to give a more concrete layout of the situation.

The situation can be an intersection of ways like seen with T or Y. Or it can highlight non-typical flow of the way seen with L, V, ], [.

This non-typical highlight does not conclude that there is no intersection of the way.

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Now adding positional keywords to the mix, one defines the one-sided version of the mirrored keyword.

This means that

ceil = left ceil + right ceil

and respectively with floor.

Or more concretely ⌊ = left floor and βŒ‹ = right floor.

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The mirror keywords are occasions when the same object exists on both sides of the reference object. In our case, the object is a ditch and the reference object is a path.

  • both, a generic notion that the object exists on both sides
  • ceil, $⌈xβŒ‰$, the object is on both sides and has a $βŒ‰x⌈$ shape
  • floor, $βŒ‹x⌊$, the object is on both sides and has a $⌊xβŒ‹$ shape

Typical examples where ceil|floor occur is when a highway yields (perpendicularly) into another highway or an intersection of two highways.

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It was already introduced the cardinal directions for general positioning, though often these don’t suffice when dealing with ditch positioning.

Thus three mirrored keywords are introduced: both, ceil, floor and three positional keywords: left, right, reverse|rev|- plus a wide range of shapes: L,V, T, Y, [, ].

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To simplify such crossings the following keywords are added for note taking:

  • culvert|c
  • bridge <material>, the material is added if it differs from the highway
  • ford

For example, if a new path exist with a culvert than the note says other pc or other p c. Or on an existing highway one would just add other c.

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There are (in general) three possible ditch crossings:

  • tunnel=culvert, layer=-1 for the ditch
  • bridge=yes, layer=1 for the highway
  • ford=yes for the intersection between ditch and highway.
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One of my areas is waterway=ditch mapping. In this realm one mainly needs to know the possible crossings, the water flow direction, and on which side of the highway it exists.

The flow direction is the trickiest of the three, since with the tag intermittent=yes one cannot depict directly the flow direction. The tag is used when the ditch is either dry or has little water across the year. This tag is optional, though since it exists, expect the outcome to meet such instances in the wild.

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Thus eventually instead of using the generic note for a random topic, it was agreed upon that it denotes a path.

Though lately removed the ambiguous definition and hard defined the word path|p. This removes any potential guess work in the future.

A simple example of a perpendicular path is other p where as a more complex one could look like other p sw which equates to a path that is going south west away from current highway.

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One thing that I have done in the past is have a topic per hike. This means I have a generic note that just says other . This is then connect to a quick action.

So if the topic e.g. are bird perches, then each of them will just be denoted with “other “.

This is all good for maybe up to a couple of days, though if notes first get resolved weeks in the future, then that detail is lost, thus the effort is gone.

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While on the topic of barriers, these typically have a start and end. One could attempt to use the starting letter of start and one would realize that s has already been declared for south. Likewise doing for end, one gets e which is used for east.

For this conundrum one can look at the Greek alphabet and use the first and last letter. They are alpha and omega making it a and o.

Example of a railing south of the path. The start of railing: railing s a and respectively for the end: railing s o.

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Another typical example are railings or fences along a path. Since one barely ever knows which direction the way is going, thus a safer approach is to use the cardinal directions to denote a one-sided barrier.

Caveats are more obvious cases like steps, where usually incline=up aligns with the way’s direction. In this case left|l and respectively right|r are used.

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The first shorthand note are the cardinal directions denoted as n, e, s, and w.

These can be combined together to create more concrete directions like ne, se, sw, or nw. Or even more specific nne, een, ees, sse, ssw, wws, wwn, nnw.

An use-case is to denote more specifically where an object should be positioned relative to a way or an area. So if e.g. a path does not exist yet which branches off the current path and it is not perpendicular to the current path, then these directions can help to map the initial path head.

Hint: make sure to add the fixme key at the path’s tail to check if the path continues. The most simplest value is continue?.

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In the past, I already wrote a blog on how to create quick actions in : and for the next couple of entries regarding shorthand note system (that I use), the notes are created in such a way that a quick action cannot replace it.

That being said, kind of wish OsmAnd had quick action presets, so that one can quickly ease the sorting of the quick actions when in various situations. Like in urban terrain fire hydrants and street cabinets are more frequent, where as in comparison in rural terrain the frequency of hunting stands and feeding places are higher.

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In the past, I uploaded the notes to the server and have (an outdated) note interpreter for my shorthand notes:

Though these days, I only push notes if they are obvious and/or I am using a specific app that does not permit offline notes. Like being a bit too fast with floors or type of building in , though the new buildings overlay should take care of this issue in the past.

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Onto the in person mappers comes the goal factor. This means is the goal just to map or is the goal to get to a specific destination.

If it’s the latter then one needs to manage between achieving the goal while mapping on the fly. For such cases there are many apps that can achieve the updater aspect without losing too much time mapping. To name a few or .

In the manager aspect the mentioned apps can help or or or .

Though many times one doesn’t have enough time to navigate through the apps to accomplish the desired outcome. Thus jotting a note down or taking a photo can quickly save the details and later when more allotted time exists they can be updated.

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One is usually a combination of the three kinds of mappers: creators, updaters, and managers.

Typically, one starts as an updater. Then once one is comfortable of knowing which objects exist, one adds creator to the mix. And finally once even more confident of the correct data format, one adds manager.

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