I need to waterproof a
Raspberry Pi Pico, so I'm planning on pot-ing it in silicone. However, I still need access to the bootsel button. Is this likely to still work underneath silicon? Should I replace the button with something more waterproof and expose it? Should I glue a stick to the button that poke through the silicone?
Any ideas?
@jimmo Good call on using tp6. Someone on the bird site suggested using a reed switch and a magnet, so I think I'll go with that.
@benev Just saw that too! Great idea. Idle curiosity... how fast does the wheel have to spin before the reed switch triggers due to centrifugal force on the contact? :) (Doesn't matter if it does of course, just curious).
@jimmo Great question. I don't think I'll ever find out because i'd only notice if that happened while I was powering on and plugged into USB, and that would just get tangled (I have a waterproof USB connection). When it's spinning, it should be running on battery power.
@benev use a reed switch which is triggered by a magnet. When you bring the magnet close it will trigger. Something like this: https://www.mouser.jp/datasheet/2/240/Littelfuse_Reed_Switches_MASM_14_Datasheet_pdf-938311.pdf
@benev bootsel is TP6 on the back which you could solder a wire to (and then use a more rugged button externally). Less fiddly than replacing the button! I've had success in the past with clear nail polish for waterproofing btw!