Would it be advantageous for buyers from #online bookstores to be able to search #books by length or page count? #bookstodon
@bibliolater what do you mean by length? I'm imagining size of the book physically measured with a ruler, but I don't think that's what you mean.
@gutterdruid Sorry I wasn't clearer in my original toot. What I mean by #book length is page count.
@bibliolater aren't length and page count the same thing then? I'm confused.
@gutterdruid Synonyms.
@bibliolater I don't think I'd use it too often, but it seems like it would be very useful in certain situations - like if I wanted a short read for a trip, or if I want to know which books in a series are novellas vs. full novels. In other words, it doesn't seem like a make-or-break feature to me, but I would be glad to have access to it.