<strong>Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War</strong>
"_This article highlights the ways Southern ministers claimed the puritan identity for the South and accused the North of hypocrisy, for having fallen far from the theological ideals of their puritan forebears. Furthermore, Southern ministers noted the hypocrisy of Northern puritans for having escaped religious tyranny only to impose it upon those who did not conform to their form of Christianity; they had thus fallen into the very sin which they had decried._"
Manger, E.G. (2024) ‘Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War’, Studies in Church History, 60, pp. 431–452. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/stc.2024.16.
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