**The aging society: Is growth reverting to pre-industrial levels in the 21st century?**
_“In this paper, I have extended the literature in three dimensions, all of which more than counter the negative growth effects of the demographic transition on investment: 1) by showing that fertility transition-induced increase in enrollments into higher education has positive growth payoffs in the future; 2) by bringing ideas production and higher education into the center of the analysis; and 3) by allowing for the endogenous responses of education, innovative activity, investment, and labor force participation to the age structure of the population.”_
Madsen, J.B. (2024) 'The aging society: Is growth reverting to pre-industrial levels in the 21st century?,' Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 229, p. 106849. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2024.106849.
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