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Took me a second to see the tiny plush hamburger haha

bit0fun boosted

Let’s call him what he is. Only fascists ban journalists. We all knew that his “free speech” stuff was BS anyway.

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Guess what is happening on Sunday? HANUKKAH begins!

I'll be posting a daily inspiration and question for each night of #Hanukkah (or #Chanukah)

If you'd like them in your email box, sign up here.:

#Mazeldon #JewishMastodon #Judaism #Jewish #mindfulness

bit0fun boosted

*** Developers ***

A group of wolves is called a pack.

A group of crows is called a murder.

A group of developers is called a merge conflict.

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Elon gave me no warning.... plus he suspended all of my accounts, half of which track aircraft (NASA aircraft, experimental aircraft, weather, airforce etc). not people including my personal

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The giant cat toy is up in the corner of the room again! 🌲

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For no apparent reason, I made this alternative #Mastodon logo. I think it was created out of my burning conviction that logos should all be visual puns, and the more puns the better.

So here it is, the head is a speech bubble and the body is an "M". Puneriffic!

#design #logo #fediverse

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Finally, some of my own thoughts. I firmly believe that the value that #chatGPT and similar models deliver to society is negative. Being able to generate at the press of a button plausibly and smart sounding content that might be wildly but subtly incorrect, with no citations, no sources, no indication of providence, is a recipe for poisining the information environment.

I see programmer types concluding that this will "replace programming" and "make us obsolete". I find it shocking that folks have such a low view of their own profession. The worst, most dangerous code isn't code full of bugs. It's code that "works", but that is incorrect in ways that are pernicious but not obvious.

The job of a programmer also isn't to reproduce some algorithm, it's to understand and model the world, to understand and anticipate user needs, it's to collaborate and shepherd a code base over a prolonged period of time. No language model will do these things.

To quote someone who's very dear to me: "PEOPLE AREN'T USING THEIR BRAINS". Please, use your brains, and be grateful for all the things it can do that a pattern matching model can't.

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@sickcodes Probably would have been better if I, ya know, actually looked at the image for more than 5 seconds :p

I’ve never put flux in the fridge though, guess some experiments are in order

I’ll save you some trouble, in that there exists thermally stable solder paste, so you don’t have to keep it in the fridge anymore ;)

bit0fun boosted

When you open the fridge and there’s nothing to drink

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How to keep Nazis out. 

People fail to grasp what is being communicated in this metaphorical story.

Notice that the bartender does not respond by ignoring the Nazi. He immediately and swiftly confronts the Nazi and lets him know he's not welcome in the bar.

Further, the bartender warns that if you just ignore the Nazi, the Nazi will show up with more friends tomorrow.

If they are in your community, you need to confront them swiftly and decisively as the bartender in this story did.

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Things we didn't do:
- Start the fire
- Shoot the deputy
- Steal the cookies from the cookie jar

Things we did:
- Tried to fight it
- Shot the sheriff
- Put the sham in the shama-lama-ding-dong

Things we will do:
- Survive
- Rock you
- Walk 500 miles
- Walk 500 more

Things we won't do:
- Get fooled again
- Back down
- That

Things we will never do:
- Give you up
- Let you down
- Run around
- Desert you

- I did it again)

bit0fun boosted

BOOM: Germany has just announced UNLIMITED public transport anywhere in the country will cost just $1.40 PER DAY.

Officials say the policy is aimed at cutting CO2 emissions and helping with the cost of living.

Anyone else think our government should do the same?


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bit0fun boosted

I came upon an open chalkboard.
Chalk was available.
Space was unlimited.
I knew what I had to do.

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Nazi attack plot foiled, linked to Twitter accounts 

Man Accused of Plot Against NYC Synagogue Connected to Neo-Nazi Twitter Accounts.

One of the men arrested for an alleged plot to carry out a shooting at a New York City synagogue has been connected to Twitter accounts with a long history of neo-Nazi activity and making threats, new research shows.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.