qutebrowser wikihow
1. no git pull = not authentic qutebrowser
2. bug is the feature of this experimental browser
3. git qutebrowser is for professional, watch video using 'spawn --detach mpv {hint-url}', no video distraction is good
4. this browser is not exclusive for linux user, windows guys kochi kochi.
birdsite NEW i-NO-vation
whats wrong w/ twatter? why they always exceed their self-sabotage standard each and every moment given?
is this still profit motivated company? or now its just being panopticon for politician globally?
Indonesia start to practice #communism this is not kind of toward china attitude I want to see. We need more development and not lynching free speech.
I just saw this story that someone posted on Facebook about a book by Admiral Nimitz on Pearl Harbor, it's pretty fascinating:
1. Sunday, December 7th, 1941— Admiral Chester Nimitz was attending a concert in Washington, DC. He was paged and told there was a phone call for him. When he answered the phone, it was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the phone.
He told Admiral Nimitz that he (Nimitz) would now be the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. Admiral Nimitz flew to Hawaii.
Indonesia pol
Potrait of Freespeech in Indonesia (none)
literally translated as : Jusuf Kala (right side on the photo) how to criticize the government without any police intervention?
even talking about covid, religion, or bad things about government - digital dogs can bite you in a second.
RIP the best #jazz piano maestro in the world. Chick Corea.
Underpaid Apologist, sincerely hungry for any explanation. Reporting my findings, Call me Jon
this is me on normal mode @indonische