was shopping earlier today, overheard a customer talking to an employee about "we'll do [idk what..] with the unvaccinated", both laughing.
shit is turning ugly quick and people don't even see it. it's amazing and frightening to watch.
i'm near the point of "fingers crossed for omicron hitting the vaccinated hard" to have the bullshit stop. maybe ADE is real after all.
sucks if people get ill of course, but if this general mood in the population continues we'll have good old lynchings next xmas :/
@bonifartius the other way out is the bad one forvever: omicron finally immunizes everybody and mid-Jan all numbers collapse. Then they declare victory and in the next circus they directly go to Lockdown 3 Weeks, "2G" and FFP2-Masks and you have no wait-and-see-time.
@CapitalB yeah, probably. next virus will have a different response, no "mistakes" will be made.