Whether vaccines technically work or not is kind of beside the point, they're conceptually broken. In free country, they'd be made by competing businesses that people trust enough to voluntarily take them.

But the whole premise of vaccines is that people are coerced or forced to take them at risk of social exclusion by state power. So they are guaranteed to always be "government quality" crap just good enough to please a bureaucrat - and because it's completely centralized, the risk of supply chain attacks / poison is massive.

Even if they work, states should be forbidden from practicing social exclusion. Drug companies just need to put their thinking caps on and invent something which works WITHOUT relying on totalitarian coercion.

Look closer at the year 2021. The state had practically zero power to enforce any sort of mandate, and they knew it quite well. They knew precisely one half of the country was waiting to run to the cameras at the very first sign of anything resembling a mandate... And they did.

All of the mandates were put into place by businesses. First towards customers, then towards people who could be corcered into giving up medical records under threat of starvation and homelessness. You know... Employees.

Government will never ever directly take control of anything. They will get private business to do it, because that guarantees the ancap tards will see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

@r000t @cjd idk man, in germany it was illegal to leave the house after curfew and you weren't allowed in restaurants without being vaccinated.

@lain @r000t @cjd
"unvaccinated" could literally only buy food and some hygiene stuff for months in germany.

i don't care about fucking restaurants! something broke in your house? tough luck, better get someone to fix it (expensive). you even weren't permitted into the goddamn home depot by order of the government.

to add insult to injury the people defending this shit are calling those who demonstrated against this nazis.

@bonifartius @r000t @cjd you could go into home depot, but only to buy catfood. if you also bought a hammer, that's illegal. (source: happened to me)
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