@apaoapa what does he have to do with a military coup almost 50 years ago?
@McMongoose @apaoapa we had actual socialism here in germany until 1989 with secret police disappearing people and shooting them at the border. contrary to certain revolutionary "comrades" in certain south american countries, those were peaceful people who just wanted to be left alone.
hell, we had the RAF here in the 70s which were dreaming of creating a socialist hellhole west germany by forcing people with violence.
fast forward to present time, anyone going against the absolutely crazy big state socialism shit here is regarded "nazi". even the very tame libertarians which are literally only for reducing taxes and keeping state finances in check. everyone not wishing to spend billions they don't have on whatever "current thing" is, is "nazi" now - even if it's azov and the ukraine military snatching people off the street to send them to the meat grinder.
everyone who says it's wrong to force people into doing things is "nazi" now.
absolutely ridiculous.
@McMongoose @apaoapa yeah i did some reading on it yesterday. apparently there even was a woman from germany who joined some militant communist revolutionaries and was later on killed.
my point is that it's bullshit to paint a libertarian, who by definition wants _less state_, as evil guy because almost half a century ago there was a dictatorship. when the military **only existed because of the state on the first place**.
of course most liked the army, it wouldn't have worked in the first place if most people hated it! :)
He is literally the opposite of Hitler. If you claim that Hitler wanted "no state" and "reduce taxes", then you better provide some sources.
TIKhistory has dissected National-Socialism's ideology from primary source, i.e. Hitler and other Nazi's writings in
So, IF Milei dismantle the State, then he is the hero that we all need.
IF he builds out the state, or use the state to eliminate people, then feel free to depose him.
@niclas @McMongoose @apaoapa i think mcmongoose was not serious ;)
@niclas @McMongoose @apaoapa tbh it's becoming hard to distinguish trolling from the real deal
IMHO; Satire is supposed to have enough indication that it is not serious. Trolling is without such.
Nowadays, it is really hard to tell satire from really held beliefs, because the most bizarre ideas are spread.
I will try to look for the subtle signs more carefully next time.
@bonifartius Sehr geiler Typ. Lass dich nicht von den Linksextremen hier einschüchtern. Milei hat nichts mit Hitler oder Nazi zu tun. Hitler und das NS-Regime haben einen starken Staat gebaut, um einen Führerkult. Genau das Gegenteil will Milei.
Klasse,welche Energie er hat. Ja, die Linken unterliegen in allen den Liberalen. Sie müssen Gewalt, Einschüchterung, Manipulation und Propaganda einsetzen.
@meinemeinung klar, deswegen spricht milei auch von kollektivisten, aber das kriegen die linken nicht auf die kette. das würde ja bedeuten das sie selbst die bösen sind :)
milei ist auf jedenfall unterhaltsam und die dinge die er in dem video nennt stimmen.
@bonifartius Milei spricht aus und kämpft gegen das, was jeder sehen kann. Wir wollen individuelle, persönliche Freiheit und keinen staatlichen Kollektivismus. Hitlers NS-Staat war alles andere als "frei" oder "liberal" und ähnelt mehr dem späteren maoistischen und stalinistischem System.
@bonifartius This dude has the same phenotype as the fella that played the protagonist of A Clockwork Orange. Not an insult, it’s just a very, very intense look that fits this sort of rant.
@Elf indeed! i also like his hairdo and sideburns he occasionally has. it's all a little bit over the top, which makes for a certain "LET'S FUCKING GOOOO" feeling
@bonifartius I like this man. I like what he says. I think his opinion is applicable to the madness we see all over the globe.😎
@lola he still is acting in the sytem of "state", but at least he seems to be a step in the right direction!
you might like larken rose https://www.youtube.com/user/LarkenRose
Thanks for the suggestion. The channel is an interesting one. For me it's sort of preachin' to the choir. It's informative. I'm definitely going to look for the movie they were promoting back in August. Sounds like my kind of InfoTainment!😎
I watched the film Larken Rose produced, directed and wrote. I like it. I like that it is an allegory.
@lola nice, i still have to watch it!
I enjoyed it. I also watched the Ted Walters film on 9-1-1...?? title Peace, War and 9-1-1. If you're unfamiliar with his films about the subject take time to watch.
@lola thanks for the recommendation, i will try to watch it :)
I think you can get access (in case you don't want to support him with $10) at; https://asg.stream/programs/jones_plantation?category_id=143795
There is a "free access" offer.
Good Point.
Personally, I sponsored the film ahead of time and watched it on launch. Haven't thought much about 'download', TBH, probably because I am brainwashed into streaming culture.
Fuking nazi we have 30000 comrades dead what Freedom is he talking about