@mk @theorytoe you missed the point. containers just make things harder. they are nice rube goldberg machines for shit languages like python which are hell to deploy.
when just installing everything from packages, things will receive timely security patches of the distribution.
when using VMs, one has to upgrade a few VMs for this. not great, not terrible.
with containers one has to hope that some image down the stack will be upgraded to include the fix, while the whole setup provides worse isolation than VMs (which already is prone to leakage). with containers the isolation is essentially the same as for plain linux users and chroot. no improvement. cgroups limiting resource usage can be set by the init system, i think systemd does this already.
containers sure have their use case, but mostly they are a crappy solution waiting for problems.
in the end the image is a meme which makes the point that ftp-ing a directory full of php scripts worked better than all the modern shit.
"containers are a solution to a self-inflicted problem being that people dont want to actually write software that is runable bare-metal"
what does "running containers" have to do with bare-metal? you can run containers within a bare-metal system. it doesn't make sense.
is your argument that docker is too complex? -> "In every sense?"
installing software is part of too complex in "every sense", correct?
ok..here's a 10min video that enables noobs to install a bitcoin lightning network daemon that reachable from the internet without the need of:
- a static ip
- a public ip
- a domain name
- a ssl certificate
- portforwarding in the router
- firewall rule in the router
docker makes it god damn easy.
i don't believe you.
counter question.
what's got more adoption?
installing shit via docker or bash-scripts?
i'm using 13 opensource webapps.
11 of them have dockerfiles right in their official repo.
show me the ansible files in their repos.
the argument tldr..
you: docker too complex
me: complex?
you: everything!
me: install easy
me: no adoption. devs support docker ! <3
@dcc love the memery! @theorytoe @mk