knowledge about the concept "natural law" is a curse.
@ThatCrazyDude almost everything and everyone seems to be retarded xD "hurr durr this is tHe LaW we invented!!1 hurr durr bElieVe oUr aUthoRity!!1"
@bonifartius oh that. Yeah. What can you do tho lol
@ThatCrazyDude nothing! that makes it a curse!
Really? To me it's liberating.
@DCR it is, but it's driving me nuts that nearly everyone defends etatism, positive law and the glaring injustice it enables.
Some say our law is THE LAW, others rebel against that and claim that there are no laws at all, and that mix makes the whole of empire.
And then there is reality with natural law...
@iron_bug mind that i don't mean laws of nature but natural law (
which insofar might be related as both are fundamental. one for the physical world, one for the social interaction of humans.
@bonifartius I'm confused. care to elaborate?... 🤔