researchers yet again discover that monocultures are bad
@special-boy yes. was regarding the banana-killing-fungus article of tagesschau. fungus needs nitrogen, beans are good fixiating nitrogen, hence bananas and beans work better because the fungus has worse conditions.
monoculture is easier to harvest, but you'll always have a big risk of total loss with it.
we export like 50% of our agricultural produce here in germany. sometimes "for free", killing the economy and farmers elsewhere. we could easily do less soil destroying forms of agriculture while still feeding us perfectly fine.
some of the concepts are rediscovered all around the world, like Hügelkultur in europe and Masanobu Fukuokas ideas in japan.
then they are twisted and turned into reducing co2 or something, which of course doesn't work, is stupid and will make people disregard these ideas.
let's just say i guess certain people don't like these ideas and do work against it.
In farming?