woher kommt eigentlich "winterwahlkampf"?
klingt nach vorbereitung für stalingrad.,
@bonifartius @eriner
I could have sworn this had translation either in bare na.s and on the phanpy web frontend to same
> Where does the term "winter election campaign" actually come from?
> Sounds like preparation for Stalingrad.
@picofarad @eriner it's accurately translated, you just can't really translate the subtle vibe.
@bonifartius @eriner No i supplied that translation as an example of the sort of thing i'd expect
And i understand the subtle vibe, i just didn't transcribe because that's a personal thing.
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@bonifartius @eriner No i supplied that translation as an example of the sort of thing i'd expect
And i understand the subtle vibe, i just didn't transcribe because that's a personal thing.