@DCR meckern über andere die was ändern 💪 🇩🇪 💪
(bin n bisschen funky drauf, muss die erkältung sein :D)
@DCR ne, der gemeine schlandbewohner will nicht begeistert werden :) am besten ist meckern über dinge die man nicht ändern kann. das kann ich auch super xD
@DCR da würds hierzulande mehr herzklabaster geben als wenn sie komplett alle für nen monat streiken. umsonst fahren, das geht doch nicht!!1 xD
@jeffcliff @MechaSilvio no, it's about who to believe. everytime a critic had such examples it was called anecdotal. unfortunately that works in both directions ;)
i'd really love to again trust people and "the science", experience shows that everyone is telling bullshit. myself included, i too have an agenda, everyone has :)
@jeffcliff @MechaSilvio well, or he is lying because his opinion he invested the last years of his career into can't hold if he is not?
evidence would be not something anecdotal like "guy had covid, now is ded! totes related!"
@jeffcliff @MechaSilvio oh but it is.
the man probably is invested deeply in his position. he would risk his complete career if he'd change it now, best is to double down. nobody else can really check what he is saying anyway. the dead guy might as well be a complete fabrication.
state licensed lolbert and hypernatalist with a breeding kink. never watched rick & morty and i'm proud of it.
don't only rely on my words, read what happy customers wrote about me: "10/10 would buy again", "top seller, great value", "wildly incorrect", "teil des problems", "without imagination", "Repeated provocation using copy/paste.", "if you take a dump in my mentions, I just might notice the smell", "log out and never login again", "Du redest wirr.", "My brother in Christ, this is such a ridiculously dumb statement that I will no longer entertain this silly conversation.", "Auf Derailing-Diskussionen habe ich keine Lust. Finger über dem Blocken-Knopf.", "Wie gesagt, du kannst der Diskussion inhaltlich nicht folgen."
one day at a time.