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the whole "let's block/report/cancel" mindset will backfire one day, and it won't be pretty.

you won't win hearts and minds with just cancelling everything which disagrees with your limited view of the world. you just actively make the world a worse place.

oufff ! même des associations a but non lucrative ont commencer a sortir de leur but pour contester les décisions de Macron

"Pour toutes ces raisons, nous appelons à l’insoumission, dans les esprits et dans les cœurs, par le refus collectif de se soumettre aux folles injonctions de ceux qui croient être nos maîtres, et par la proclamation de notre droit à l’autodétermination."

Sorry to be a downer btw but Soylent Green is set in 2022

I understand why we must recognise and applaud the philanthropy of kind, selfless souls like Elon Musk but don’t you think we’re being a little unfair to historic philanthropists by focussing so much of our love and admiration on our current benefactors?

Take Louis XIV, for example. “Louis was sincere about protecting his subjects' souls and throughout his reign encouraged charitable giving.” Brings a tear to my eye, it does… show Louis some love, y’all!


I really feel for Bezos. He's the third most hated man in the world. He didn't even get first place. Poor fuck.

question about pet death 

does anyone have resources that were helpful to them? about deciding when to euthanize or dealing with grief or whatnot. my dog is close to the end

Maybe it's not that I'd like to go back to the 90s, but I wish our society reverted more to the 90s. When people lived outside of the internet, there was good culture in general, there wasn't so much control over the population... I don't know. I'm just not a fan of this dystopian cyberpunk society we are building here. I get it that a lot of people likes the aesthetic of it, but when it becomes a reality... that can't be good.


the industry has stagnated to the point that we’re now regressing to inefficient interpreted languages and 80s style flat UIs. there’s no more serious research into distributed systems, new memory models, or human interface design taking place. the handful of people left who still care are struggling to maintain what we had 20 years ago. computers have never been more unpleasant to work with

@loke I don't think that's true. Andrew Lee just recently registered the domain, which used to belong to a Spanish ISP back from 2000, but went out of business. is now a CNAME to

This appears to be a clear attempt at muddying the waters in hopes of getting new IRC users on the Freenode network, rather than Libera.Chat. It looks to me like he's desperate as Freenode is bleeding users.

Today's deep thought:

If it's utterly mathematically impossible (because Halting Problem) for any code analysis algorithm, at all, ever, zero chance, to discover security flaws like PrintNightmare

and yet humans keep finding what we're told algorithms absolutely can't, day after day

does that mean that basic standard-issue human brains are magic and can solve six Halting Problems every day before breakfast?

JEFF BEZOS: Get us back to Earth, Alexa

ALEXA: I'm sorry, Jeff. I'm afraid I can't do that

> Das wird in der Forschung Verschwörungsmentalität genannt und bedeutet: Jemand tendiert dazu, misstrauisch gegenüber Mächtigen zu sein. Diese Verschwörungsmentalität ist keine Ja- oder Nein-Frage. Sondern jemand kann eine stärkere oder schwächere Verschwörungsmentalität haben. [1]

Die haben aber schon mal z.B. wikipedia zur geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts aufgemacht, oder? Ist ja nicht so dass sich Mächtige durch besonders vertrauenserweckendes Verhalten hervorgetan haben.

Die Verwendung des Namen "Verschwörungsmentalität" sagt mehr über das Menschenbild der Forscher aus als über die mutmaßlichen 40% Abweichler.

Gibt natürlich viele Spinner, aber wenn man genauso davon ausgeht das man "Recht" hat und die Gegenseite mit kreativen Wortschöpfungen belegt, wird das nix mit Einigkeit in der Gesellschaft.


@freemo is there any way to disable hotkeys in mastodon? i keep occasionally boosting things by slipping off my trackpoint onto the "b"..

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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