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@PurpCat Record for my desktop is past 800, but this is the first time in a long time that it was a software problem. I don't even remember the last time it was: it was all either power interruption or hardware failure.

I very nearly preserved uptime across a move to a different apartment by keeping the thing attached to the UPS and pushing the desk (which had wheels) to the new apartment. The wheels fell off when we got to the driveway of the new place, and there was no way to get it all the way to the front door as it was. If I hadn't insisted on playing music videos the entire way, the battery would have lasted longer, but if you're going to do some ridiculous shit like that, you have to add some showmanship.

Außer natürlich, ich mach ein Seminar "Wie verzeihe ich mir selbst", und das mach ich bei dir, dann verzeihe ich mir bei dir. =)

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Noch mal zum Mitdenken:

Niemand kann sich selbst entschuldigen.

Wir können um Entschuldigung BITTEN.

Das ist wie mit "Verzeihung".
Ich bitte um Verzeihung, und ich bitte um entschuldigung.

"Ich entschuldige mich bei dir" ist genauso sinnfrei wie "Ich verzeihe mir bei dir."

you are asking people to work for free and find it disrespectful if they dare use tools to make catering to your wishes less work for them.

in deutschland bekämpfen wir inflation mit inflationsausgleichszahlungen!

@icedquinn @gamer Yeah XML is better imo but it mostly lost outside enterprise.

industrial society 

> technophiles are ignorant of systems and forget when they introduce something it has ripple effects

:neocat_think: that part appears to be true
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hii!! Anyone has some coop sven maps to recommend?

I tried to look up "Appeal to Authority" on several of the many logical fallacy sites out there, and every one I found lists an unusual caveat. They claim that an appeal to authority is a legitimate argument, as long as the authority in question is an "expert" in the relevant field, and there is "consensus" amongst the experts that the matter is "settled".

So what they're saying is that an appeal to authority is not fallacious, as long as you commit a bandwagon fallacy instead.

What a psyop. This isn't logic; it's propaganda.

Quick refresher on the scientific method: Science is never "settled". That's not how science works. For one thing, those "experts" are humans, and humans are fallible. Full stop. There is ALWAYS room for doubt.

If the last four years have taught us anything, it's that "experts" are just as susceptible to jumping on bandwagons as normal people - more, once you factor in the certification boards that take away the livelihoods of the ones who question the "settled" science.

An appeal to authority occurs when someone backs up an argument by saying *who* agrees with it, rather than *why* it should be so. This is a fallacy, in the formal logic sense. This doesn't mean the argument isn't true; just that it isn't proof. There are no exceptions just because you really really want to believe the authority.

We also found local marmalade, it tasted good so I bought one.
It was 4000 pesos (less than 4 USD)


Wafupilled melonmaxxer  
We got a small Bondiola sandwich, I was hungry RE:

At worst, the gendered nature of this violence is ignored altogether. In the wake of the Stockport murders and the riots that followed, many political issues have been discussed: immigration; multiculturalism; the poverty and alienation of the working class; relationships between police and local communities; Islamophobia; fake news; mental health; whether we should protect the identity of those under 18. In doing so, we have overlooked the very specific demographic of the victims whose deaths triggered the riots in the first place: this was not just an attack on children, but on girls.

Yet how can we possibly start to tackle this epidemic unless we can address it in the first place? We have to be able to acknowledge the fact that these crimes are very specifically acts of violence against women and girls, and not worry that by doing so, we rekindle the old ‘not all men’ debate. Of course it’s not all men – let’s not forget the bravery of Jonathan Hayes, a passerby who was also stabbed by the Stockport attacker after trying to intervene, or the security guard who disarmed the Leicester Square knifeman and gave the girl first aid until the emergency services arrived.

The sad reality though is that it is enough men, and too many men, and that over the last month the media has been too reluctant to dwell on the sex of the victims in all of these past and potential tragedies. We have therefore ended up with a situation where the government wants to appear tough on crime by jailing people for Facebook posts, but has almost nothing to say about a much more pressing national emergency.

> Doch die von rechten politischen Kräften befeuerte Diskussion lenkt den Blick immer wieder auf die vermeintliche kulturelle Dimension bei Messerangriffen. Tatsächlich sind Täter mit nicht-deutscher Staatsbürgerschaft in der Statistik überrepräsentiert. Doch daraus lässt sich nicht ablesen, ob es Geflüchtete, Ar­beits­mi­gran­t*in­nen oder Tou­ris­t*in­nen sind, die die Taten verüben

die ganzen europäischen erntehelfer sind für messerstechereien landauf landab bekannt! und touristen sowieso!

Update she's listening to a rammstein playlist I'm sure and I'm thinking how funny it is that their audience now is middle aged office ladies who would normally listen to Taylor Swift
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