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justice in germany

a banker who was involved in one of the biggest financial scandals of recent years, stealing millions of tax money, has the case closed because he is so ill that he can't handle the process. certainly not because the current german chancellor olaf scholz was involved in this scandal as well.

> A German regional court ruled on Monday that a prominent banker who was accused of playing a role in an alleged 10 billion euro ($10.7 billion) tax fraud scheme was no longer fit to stand trial for health reasons.
> Earlier this month, both prosecutors and defence lawyers requested the termination of the criminal trial of the banker, Christian Olearius, who is now 82 years old.


but an old woman of 94 saying the wrong things about the holocaust gets a judge who more or less jokes about that she says she doesn't feel well:

> A doctor accompanied Haverbeck, who was in a wheelchair and repeatedly complained about the "infirmities of old age." "I think you're really fit," the judge told her.


another fun fact is that you don't find this quote of the judge in the german version of the article where it just says the judge replied with that she will do a speedy trial. instead the german article (both are by DPA!) harps on the fact that the lawyer of haverback wanted to redo parts of the trial:

> Wieder begleitete eine Medizinerin vom gerichtsärztlichen Notdienst die Angeklagte im Rollstuhl. Die 95-Jährige hatte bei Prozessauftakt am 7. Juni beklagt, es sei zu beschwerlich für sie, in so kurzen Abständen den langen Weg nach Hamburg auf sich zu nehmen. Die Vorsitzende Richterin stellte am Mittwoch in Aussicht, man könne schon an diesem Tag fertig werden. Doch das zerschlug sich schnell. Der Verteidiger stellte mehrere neue Anträge, über die die Kammer entscheiden musste. Er wollte unter anderem erreichen, dass die gesamte bisherige Beweisaufnahme wiederholt wird, weil Haverbeck ihr wegen Hörproblemen nicht richtig habe folgen können. Alle Anträge wurden abgelehnt.


something is rotten in the state of denmark

Systemd predictable network interface names are awesome.

Not only I get easy to remember names like enp2s0f0u7u3c2 but I _also_ get to experience a machine not coming back up after reboot because a new PCIe card caused existing names to shuffle around.

@halfpint until I am convinced otherwise, I am claiming my award for living rent-free in this man's head and causing him to stew for an entire day before he "enacts his revenge" by blocking NAS, at the expense of everyone with an account there.

I was thinking just now about "Societal beauty standards".

It strikes me as an anti-human idea. It strikes me as something someone who believes that we're all tabula rasa to be written upon however some powermonger sees fit instead of immensely complex human animals made from human parts would come up with.

Let's consider some things most people consider universally beautiful. Sunrises. Sunsets. The full moon on a clear night. The shining stars. A roaring campfire. Flowers. Did anyone have to tell you these things were beautiful, or did you just know? Did you have to be told a little rabbit or kitten was cute, or did you just know? Did you think certain babies (especially your own) are beautiful, or did you just know?

Do you have anything you find beautiful that nobody really talks about as such? I find traffic lights at night beautiful. The vivid colors against the surrounding darkness, it's always been something I've loved, and I don't think anyone in society really says you should find traffic lights beautiful, and many in society consider traffic lights to be symbols of stress and the ugliness of industrialization, but I like them, I think they're beautiful.

To give the devil his due, of course context can somewhat change how we perceive something. The good inside a person can make an ugly face something we cherish, and the evil inside a person can make a beautiful face something we detest.

There are examples where a horribly ugly thing is made something desirable. The foot binding of premodern China is objectively disgusting, with women who ended up with this procedure done walking around on twisted abominations for feet, and yet it was considered extremely desirable at the time, apparently with some men having quite the fetish for the practice. Twiggy Tips was an insanely rail thin model in the 1970s who was apparently very popular.

During the Heian period in Japan, it was considered fashionable for the men to act somewhat effeminate, not in pursuit of a modern-day lgbt ideal, but as an expression of masculinity somehow.

Some of these I think do help us because the ugly or undesirable thing being made desirable isn't done so through sheer force of will, but because of the representation of something else. The foot binding represents the willful submission of a wife to her husband. The men who were often acting effeminate in Heian Japan would be Samurai and Daimyo and the like -- masculine men who were fully dangerous and so the disconnect could have a complex ideological context behind it. Twiggy Tips was considered interesting in part because of the convention defying age of the 1970s in which she worked, so her skinny androgynous look epitomized the style of the time, but that didn't mean necessarily people found her beautiful, just that she represented the moment. In that sense, it's rather ironic that she was used as an example of unrealistic and dangerous standards of beauty, since it was a postmodern rebellion against conventional beauty that made her famous.

There's current examples where a lot of people who have been convinced that something not very attractive is highly desirable. "Instagram face" has many women getting plastic surgery to achieve a standard look that nobody outside of very specific social media circles finds remotely pleasing to look at.

Many things considered attractive are considered so exactly because they would be unattractive if you aren't beautiful. A short haired girl who is absolutely gorgeous still pulls it off because she's so beautiful, but anything less and she looks ugly. A young healthy woman with large breasts looks healthy and attractive, but an older, less healthy woman might not look nearly as good.

In a lot of these cases, what I'm finding is that while the "societal beauty standards" may have said a certain thing because of the power of the media, the common man probably didn't actually think these things were all that beautiful. At best, they might see what those standards represented instead of what they were. Without the connection between the particular look and the separate ideal it represented, nobody would consider that look beautiful.

Which brings us to the current moment. It occurs to me that the people most likely to attack "societal beauty standards" are actually likely to just be wanting to place their exact picture on that pedestal instead of someone else's. Objectively non-beautiful things or people are placed into that role, but even in a postmodern society where every message tells us to reject the grand narrative of objective beauty standards and instead believe in a new standard set up by people who would really rather you just worship them. It isn't working because we're human beings, not tabula rasa. That which is unattractive may have beautiful ideas attached to them, but they do not themselves become beautiful by association, they just share in the beauty of their symbiote. And if there is no beauty in the thing they've attached themselves to, then there is no additional beauty to be found there.

With respect to all of us just being tabula rasa programmed by society, that would suggest that in one society everyone would have the same tastes in beauty, which isn't true. While we all have some common traits as humans, just like humans who have different eye color or hair color or skin color, we have subtly different aesthetic preferences. Some of that may be due to environment, but there's also a reason to believe it's partially based on us being different sorts of people genetically.

You see all kinds of people together romantically. You'll see some women like twinky guys, and others prefer big bears. Some like muscular guys, some like fatty guys. You'll see some men with skinny women with flat chests, you'll see others with bigger girls with big breasts. Some like blondes, some like brunettes, some like redheads. There's so much variability, it seems impossible that if society is programming us to like one thing that there'd be such a variance.

Arguably, there are societal standards that do apply, and they're much more rigid. Most people speak English, and most people in a region speak it basically the same. Most people in a region eat basically the same foods. Most of the houses in a region are built basically the same. So where culture actually affects things predominantly, there's a lot less variability.

another original sin of mozilla was never including CACert.

letsencrypt was no problem to add because it's 💯 run by spooks.

everyone using LE for SSL and half of the net behind cloudflare. _what could possibly go wrong?_

OpenTorment is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Torment Nexus. With OpenTorment you can easily torment yourself, enhancing your pain and suffering without compromising your privacy.

ich krieg echt bald zuviel mit arschlöchern die vereine die ich mag unterwandern und zersetzen.

das war schon mitm ccc so.

Woah 5000 toots on this account. I never imagined this instance would even live that long!

@dcc And how does it feel, harasser child, to be baaaned by the great author and United Nations consultant for the crimes of @Jonny, perhaps the most consistently in-character comic of our age?

You FAILED to ban him from your server and created exhausting janny work for the great Saul M. Montes-Bradley II! He has better things to do with his time, like complain about how people aren't voting in America's sham elections, you maligned harasser!

For shame!


@one I don't mean to be feminine and blab about my feelings to anyone who will listen (the Internet), but I've been drinking.

I assign 100% of my success to my parents, on both sides of marriage, and to all others who have given me opportunity.

This includes my wonderful parents, my loving wife, @adam, my old boss(es) Vinny, Rob, Alex, friends, and (admittedly, to a lesser extent) all of you.

I am extremely appreciative for my children and everyone who has contributed to my life.

Westerner's obsession with Hitler and the Nazis and the Holocaust and all this being the total representation of ultimate evil or "bad" or "thing I don't like" is legitimately bizarre and weird from the perspective of anyone outside their little self-centered bubble.

It would be equivalent to some warlord in 1890s Manchuria called "Tong Li" starting a movement called "Thousand Suns Kingdom" where they did unspeakable acts of barbarism and people contemporaneously constantly bringing them up as an example of pure evil and anything disliked. E.g., "wow, Trump is really like Li!" or "this artist is basically a Thousand Sunner!" People in the West would be like "lol what the fuck?" and it would come across as really weird.

Systemd walks into a bar, shoots the owner, proclaims it is the new owner, turns the bar into a casino, adds a hotel, a grocery store and an init system.​ Then it deletes you from your seat at the bar.

We are attached to the Internet as a result of being disconnected elsewhere.

Disconnected from the mentality of parents, work colleagues, and most of society, we seek refuge... from domination.

They leave us little choice and don't care.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.