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I got accused of “sealioning” the other day. This wasn’t a term they taught back in my CX debate days, so I had to look it up. Fortunately, the usual leftist almanacs have helpful entries.

Merriam-Webster: “‘Sealioning’ is a form of trolling meant to exhaust the other debate participant with no intention of real discourse.

Hold up. “intention” is part of the definition? So in order to identify if someone is sealioning, you have to infer intent? First red flag.

Wikipedia: Sealioning is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity, and feigning ignorance of the subject matter. It may take the form of “incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate”

So many subjective words in that definition. Another red flag. Also, note the strong focus on intent yet again.

Intent is unprovable in rational debate, which is why rational definitions may not depend on it. Once you remove the unprovable intent element, the definition of sealioning is indistinguishable from an attempt at reasoned debate.

Which, I conclude, is the point of the rhetorical device.

Accusing someone of sealioning is an ad hominem argument which has almost no connotative meaning, and would be ineffective as an argument in a rational debate setting. Fortunately for its users, very little debate happens in a formal setting, and the accusation is perfect for an internet forum like reddit or twitter. Like so many other appeals to emotion, the insinuation of bad faith is a sure way to derail an argument that you’re losing. It shifts the discussion away from the validity of the argument, and to tone where the accuser can claim the high ground.

So the next time somebody accuses me of sealioning, I can conclude that they have run out of real arguments, and are just falling back on personal attacks out of reflex, at which point, I can comfortably declare victory in the discussion.

burning fuel to rotate your wind turbines :blobcatgooglynotlikethis:

How do we rotate a #windmill so it's pointed towards the wind? Most windmills, only the top moves, but this windmill can move completely. It's call...

if you don’t know what emoji to use just use woozy it’s always appropriate :floofWoozy:


(Boosts appreciated)

The #Dillo package for #Debian will be removed from the repositories in two weeks.

The current maintainer seems to be unable to continue taking care of it, and I'm not familiar with Debian packages to maintain it myself.

Is there a Debian maintainer who could help us by adopting it? We already have a working package:

can i get some white pills? i need some white pills, please.

The Intel fiasco is a key indicator of how reshoring is going to fail. The CHIPS Act was $50 billion and promised 15,000 new jobs, and instead Intel skimmed their money and are now firing 10,000 people. So here's likely what will happen
1. US domestic industry becomes completely uncompetitive and remains so for at least 10-15 years
2. TSMC becomes the new de facto monopoly
3. US becomes completely reliant in TSMC, in the event of Taiwan being annexed the American MIC copes about it being "just fine" that all their hardware has backdoors built into them by the Chinese.

I have to say I use the #GNU #coretools more and more and really love the simplicity of it.

So flexible, so good to use. So fast, so widely available. Simply amazing!

i absolutely have to get better at ignoring the news.

true for literally everything including fitness, health, finance, education, etc etc. stop defeating yourselves!


@graf @phnt @Paultron @mrsaturday @sun Efficiency is a white-supremacist construct, sir. Your biases are problematic.


The tableau was arranged like The Last Supper by Da Vinci, period.

I'm not baptized and I'm not religious.

What bothers me is that Jesus embodies certain values, and I find it creepy that he and these values have been replaced by a extremely made-up (= fake) obese person in tasteless clothes.

The obese people I know don't think their fat is great. They suffer from health issues and a poor quality of life.

↓ 1/3

so the olympic stuff wasn't supposed to be "last supper" but obviously "feast if the gods" and so was PERFECTLY FINE because it was something from history. don't make a fuss!

i suppose the same rules are applying for mocking other things from history as well.

🔴 🗺️ Germanic Tribes in the Roman Imperial Period

Germanic Tribal World of the Provinical Roman Period between 50 BC to 300 AD

attribution: Arch.-Stud. A.P., CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

На Земле под действием гравитации нагретый воздух поднимается и расширяется, и огонь приобретает форму капли. В условиях микрогравитации на МКС огонь имеет форму шара. Сгорающее вещество встречает молекулы кислорода, свободно перемещаясь во всех направлениях, создает сферическое пламя.

Голубой цвет обусловлен образованием небольшого количества сажи, которая при низкой температуре светится только в инфракрасном диапазоне.

@vriska @sun yes, but now if you ask to be left out of culture war arguments your project is explicitly targeted for that and accused of carrying water for nazis. (t. ladybird)

constantly treating people like shit begets a similar and opposing reaction

two things:

- this happens when projects depend on government handouts, which is why i dislike the EU funding of free software. it adds dependency where none should exist. instead of being taxed people should (and most will) use the extra money to fund projects. being taxed to death isn't a law of nature.

- it's ok to specifically name people who often act against the interests of the ecosystem and work together with governments on AI "misinformation" detection and sentiment analysis.

Stefan Bohacek  
I respect and appreciate all the work the Mastodon team and all the various volunteers have done, no question about that. This is not about calling...
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